StyleX: Meta’s Web Styling System — A newly open sourced “CSS-in-JS” library from Meta made up of a JavaScript syntax and compiler for styling web apps. It’s not exclusively for React, but React is a natural fit given it was built for Facebook. Jack Herrington has ▶️ a 13-minute screencast taking a more practical look.
Goel and Gallagher (Meta)
Getting Started with React Native Skia — Skia is a 2D graphics library providing drawing primitives on the major platforms. It opens up opportunities to custom render UI features and visual effects not covered by typical RN components. Shopify, which sponsors work on React Native Skia, shows off the basics of its use here.
Daniel Friyia (Shopify)
🛠 Code and Tools
🚀 Astro 4.0 Released — The new major release of the Astro content-site framework is just out, including a new dev toolbar, automatic i18n routing, new view transition APIs, and more. There’s also, experimentally, incremental content caching. Upgrading is simple – an npx @astrojs/upgrade away for most folks.
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