Neural network chess

January 23, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js Weekly

Effortless GraphQL with Hasura: TypeScript Included — Hasura connects to your data sources, generates a GraphQL API, and deploys it globally — instantly. But, what if you could also write and use TypesScript functions directly in your GraphQL API? With Hasura, you can. Check it out on GitHub.


Handling Environment Variables in Node — An in-depth guide to NODE_ENV, how to use Fastify secret management plugins, how to validate environment variables, and bringing Platformatic into the mix.

Matteo Collina

🛠 Code & Tools

Shikiji: Shiki-Inspired Syntax Highlighter — A syntax highlighter based on TextMate grammars and that supports using typical modern editor themes. Fully tree-shakable ESM and runs on both the frontend and backend.

Pine Wu and Anthony Fu

✂️ Knip V4: Find and Remove Unused Files and Dependencies — A popular tool for finding unused dependencies and exports in projects. v4 boasts up to an 80% boost in performance, the ability to work with Astro, MDX, Svelte and Vue files, plus there’s a sneak peek at a forthcoming new feature.

Lars Kappert

📰 Classifieds

🔄 Use Hookdeck’s reliable Event Gateway to receive, send, transform, filter, and route events in your event-driven applications. Learn more.

🐘 Learn how Epsio’s Incremental Materialized Views boosts the performance of your most complex queries! Learn more.