The future is compiled

May 22, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Say Hello to the React Compiler — Last week’s React Conf was quite the banger, as the kids say nowadays. The biggest reveal was the open sourcing of React’s experimental compiler, a tool designed to optimize React code at build time. Want to play without breaking everything? They created an React Compiler Playground so you can experiment.

The React Team

💡 If you like Jack Herrington’s easy-to-follow takes, ▶️ he covers the compiler in depth here. Dan Abramov also wrote a helpful X/Twitter thread with his thoughts on how the compiler came together and why it matters.

React 19 Lets You Write Impossible Components — React 19 (still in beta) brings all sorts of new ideas to the table, but is the complexity worth it? The folks at Mux have been leaning on many of React 19’s features for a while (thanks to React Canary) and are very excited about their potential.

Darius Cepulis (Mux)

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