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January 21, 2025 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js Weekly

The January 21, 2025 Security Releases — Not yet released at the time of publication, but coming to you any moment soon, are fresh releases of the Node 23.x, 22.x, 20.x, and 18.x release lines to tackle some as yet undisclosed security issues.

The Node.js Project

TypeScript Enums: Use Cases and Alternatives — A look into one of TypeScript’s features that has no direct JavaScript parallel (and hence won’t survive Node’s type stripping approach, though there’s always --experimental-transform-types or tsx).

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

📄 Promise.race and Promise.all Are Not “Fair” – That is to say, they have bias and aren’t entirely random. Chris Krycho

📄 Fetch and HTTP/2 Support in Node, Bun and Deno Georges Haidar

🛠 Code & Tools

ArkType 2.0: Runtime Validation Library — An easy-to-deploy solution for schema validation that can infer TypeScript definitions 1:1 and use them as optimized validators for your data, both at runtime and for immediate type-level feedback in your editor.


react-nil 2.0: A React ‘Null Renderer’ — An interesting experiment to use React in situations where you don’t need it to render anything, but you want to use hooks, suspense, context, and other bits of the React lifecycle. Like in, say, a Node app.


Electron 34.0.0 — The JS, HTML and CSS desktop app framework updates to Chromium 132, Node 20.18.1, and adds a way to access the JavaScript call stack of unresponsive renderers.

Electron Team

file-type 20.0: Detect the File Type of a Buffer, Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer — For example, give it the raw data from a PNG file, and it’ll tell you it’s a PNG file. Uses a ‘magic number’ approach so is targeted solely at non text-based formats. v20 adds support for yet more formats, including JARs, Word/Excel templates, and now supports ZIP decompression.

Sindre Sorhus

📰 Classifieds

💭 How can I help my Node.js app to adapt to changing demand? A simple how-to-guide, in three parts.

🚀 Master Fullstack, JS Backends & DevOps at Node Congress 2025! Join 5K devs worldwide on April 17-18. 2 days of talks & workshops!

📢  Elsewhere in JavaScript

A quick roundup of some of other interesting stories in the broader JavaScript landscape, in case you’ve missed them: