On function composition in JavaScript

April 15, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

JS Function Composition: What’s The Big Deal? — James’ articles on JavaScript fundamentals have been very popular over the years, so it’s great to see a new one focusing on a common activity: function composition — “Why, then, do functional programmers get all worked up about it? What’s the big deal?”

James Sinclair

Want to Dive Deeper into Stories of the Software Industry? — The Stack Overflow Podcast hosts conversations with fascinating guests about how technology is made and where it’s headed. It’s the best place to learn about what’s happening in the world of software development today.

Stack Overflow

TypeScript 4.7 Beta Released — ES module support for Node.js is now an official feature, and you can specify in package.json whether JS files are interpreted as ES modules or CommonJS modules. .mjs and .cjs extensions are also supported if you prefer. There’s also improved function inference, instantiation expressions, and you can use typeof on private fields. Final TS releases tend to follow on quickly from betas, so expect 4.7 final soon.

Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)



Shepherd 9.1 – Create guided tours for your app.
Jasmine 4.1 – JS testing framework.
PouchDB 7.3 – CouchDB-inspired syncing DB.
Oclif 3.0 – Node.js CLI app framework.
Opal 1.5 – Ruby to JavaScript transpiler.
react-hooks-testing-library 8.0
Create React App 5.0.1 – Improves React 18 compatibility.

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.

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Draw ‘Handdrawn’ Diagrams in VS Code with ExcalidrawExcalidraw is a popular online drawing tool for creating ‘hand drawn’ diagrams, and one of its coolest features is being able to export in SVG for lossless use in your pages. This VS Code extension brings it.. well, into VS Code, and is now blessed as being the official VS Code Excalidraw extension.

Visual Studio Marketplace / Achille Lacoin