A Next.js template for SaaS apps

September 18, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

A React 19 Cheat Sheet — From Kent C Dodds, of Epic React fame, comes this part cheat sheet, part succinct reminder of some of the new things you can do in React 19, along with (very) brief code examples.

Kent C. Dodds

Next.js SaaS Starter: A Next.js Template for Webapps — A starter template for building a SaaS-style webapp using Next.js with authentication, Stripe integration, and a dashboard for users. It uses Postgres and Drizzle for the database and UI elements based on shadcn/ui and Tailwind.

Lee Robinson (Vercel)

Introducing TanStack RouterTanStack Router is a powerful and mature type-safe React router aimed at client-side use (though a full-stack option is beginning to appear with TanStack Start). Adam shows off the essentials with the hope of getting you on board the TanStack train too.

Adam Rackis

How Infinite Queries Work — Infinite queries are React Query’s way to make “those doom-scrolling pages we all hate so much” as this author describes them.

Dominik Dorfmeister (AKA TkDodo)

SPA Lazy Loading Pitfalls — A concise set of recommendations to address common problems with this widely used pattern.

Brad Westfall

📺 Why Everyone Loves Zustand“It’s rare I see a React codebase with complex state that wouldn’t benefit from it.” Theo Browne

📺 Building a React-Powered TODO App in 9 Steps – A 54 second(!) video showing off the key stages, all without using any libraries except for React. Danny Thompson

📰 Classifieds

🆕 Discover Reactile, for React web apps. Create your views. Let it handle windows and widgets in a tile layout within a single browser tab.

🛠️ [Workshop] Fix Your Front-End 101. On Sept 24, join our JavaScript team for practical tips to make debugging more tolerable!

🛠  Code, Tools & Libraries

Conform: A Type-Safe Form Validation Library — Gives you control over the form submission lifecycle from client to the server and exposes the form state through the useForm() hook. v1.2.0 improves how field values are automatically updated, meaning less code for you to write.

Edmund Hung