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August 26, 2021
Mark Otto
📋 In case you missed our notice a couple of weeks ago, we took a week off last week but are now back every week till Christmas 🙂 Don’t forget you can always hit reply to recommend things for us to consider for future issues…
August 25, 2021
Mark Otto
Linaria 2.1: Zero-Runtime CSS in JS — Write your CSS-in-JS, but have it build into real CSS files for runtime efficiency. We originally covered v1 of Linaria in 125 way back in 2019, but it has since hit v2 with betas of v3 already appearing.…
August 20, 2021
Mark Otto
An Absurd Future for SQL on the Web? — absurd-sql is a project aiming to provide a persistent backend for SQLite on the web. It uses IndexedDB but with sql.js in front so you can use SQLite in a natural but persisted way from webapps.…
August 19, 2021
Mark Otto
Hello there! 👋 I am thrilled to announce to you our new tool called Flatlogic Web Application Generator. 🔥 It is a compilation of more than 7 years of our professional knowledge in web software development. The idea is really simple and consists of a few…
August 18, 2021
Mark Otto
Next.js 11.1 Released — The popular React framework takes a few steps forward with experimental ES modules support, a new integration with swc to ultimately replace JS tooling (Babel and Terser), faster data mapping and source maps, and more. Vercel React Conf 2021 Call for Speakers…
August 13, 2021
Mark Otto
Vue 3.2 Released — Some new features for single file components, significant perf improvements, and it’s now easy to define native custom elements with defineCustomElement (learn more about this in Vue Components as Custom Elements – this could be a big deal for many). Evan…
August 12, 2021
Mark Otto
Answer #2 JSX, Event Handling, Virtual DOM, Computed Properties, Template Answer #2 You are close, but no cigar on this one, as this answer is, in fact, a mix of Vue.JS’ and React.JS’ main features. Let’s clear the smog a little: both Vue.JS and React.JS…
August 12, 2021
Mark Otto
📋 Node Weekly is taking a little summer vacation next week so we’ll be back for the next time on Thursday, August 26. See you then! 🙂 __ Peter Cooper, editor V8 Release v9.3 — Recent V8 releases have been reasonably lean on new features,…
August 11, 2021
Mark Otto
React Children and Iteration Methods — You might think you’ve learnt everything about iterating over React’s .children prop. However, this detailed review of the .toArray method may reveal a few things of which you were not aware. Arihant Verma â–¶ Create a Dashboard App Based on…
August 6, 2021
Mark Otto
Kid Pix as a JavaScript App — Kid Pix was a drawing program for children released on the Mac in 1989 (here’s a full story about it, if you hadn’t heard of it before). Here’s a JavaScript reimplementation. It saves your work if you go…
Want to speak at the online React Conf 2021?
August 18, 2021 By Mark Otto 0Next.js 11.1 Released — The popular React framework takes a few steps forward with experimental ES modules support, a new integration with swc to ultimately replace JS tooling (Babel and Terser), faster data mapping and source maps, and more. Vercel React Conf 2021 Call for Speakers…