Author: Mark Otto

AWS CodeBuild adds support for AWS Lambda compute mode

November 9, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

AWS CodeBuild recently announced that it supports running projects on AWS Lambda. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration (CI) service that allows you to build and test your code without having to manage build servers. This new compute mode enables you to execute…

Angular is back

November 9, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Reintroducing Angular with Angular v17 — Angular first appeared in the shape of AngularJS in 2010 and helped launch a wave of large-scale JavaScript frameworks. Angular remains popular in many use cases but is often overlooked in favor of newer options. v17 takes a leap…

Say hello to source maps in prod

November 8, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Headless Component: A Pattern for Composing React UIs — Posting on the Martin Fowler blog, an engineer at Atlassian takes us on a (very) practical journey into the concept of headless components and the pattern of having reusable logic and behavior separate from the presentation…

Sizing up your images with Sindre

November 7, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

🖼  image-dimensions: Get the Dimensions of Images — Sindre’s latest creation is a simple but comprehensive one. A way to get the size (as width and height in pixels) for JPEG, PNG, APNG, and GIFs in any modern JavaScript environment. He seeks PRs to add…

Big news for both Next.js and Remix

November 2, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Next.js 14 Released — Unveiled at last week’s Next.js Conf, v14 caused a lot of community discussion (not least on Hacker News), largely surrounding Server Actions being declared stable and the ‘backend-meets-frontend’ opportunities this opens up. A new partial prerendering feature is also in preview,…

Ready for Flight: Announcing Finch 1.0 GA!

November 1, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

One year ago AWS announced a brand new open source project, Finch, a command line developer tool for building, running, and publishing Linux containers on macOS. The team and our growing community have been busy this year and we are excited to announce today that…

Next.js 14 and Docusaurus 3.0

November 1, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 14 Released — Unveiled at last week’s Next.js Conf, Next 14 caused a disproportionate amount of discussion on social media over relatively small changes, mostly surrounding Server Actions being declared stable and the style of development they make possible. The Turbopack bundler is now…