Author: Mark Otto

AWS Teams with OSTIF on Open Source Security Audits

February 3, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

We are excited to announce that AWS is sponsoring open source software security audits by the Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF), a non-profit dedicated to securing open source. This funding is part of a broader initiative at Amazon Web Services (AWS) to support open source…

Ways to remove event listeners

February 3, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

You’ve Got Options for Removing Event Listeners — Unnecessary event listeners can cause all sorts of odd problems so it’s good to clean them up when you don’t need them anymore. How? There are several approaches and Alex looks at their pros and cons. (once is…

What’s Better: Custom Websites or Template Websites?

February 2, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Your website reveals so much about your company to your customers. It’s a brand ambassador and a key point of contact, so it needs to be good, especially when one considers that the latest statistics suggest 48% of users determine a company’s credibility based on…

SQL in your JavaScript

February 2, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

AlaSQL.js 3.0: Isomorphic JavaScript SQL Database — A SQL database you can use in Node.js and the browser. The interesting bit, for me, is how it opens up the idea of using SQL to query JavaScript objects – as in this example. “The library adds…

Top Cybersecurity Practices For Digital Startups

February 1, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

There are thousands and thousands of digital startups and SaaS applications being started every year and for good reasons. These startups are mostly remote-only teams with only a handful of employees. With the ever-increasing demand for web-based solutions and cloud-native tools, digital startups are lucrative…

Netlify acquires Gatsby

February 1, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

The Future of Create React App and Why It Exists — Dan wrote pretty much an essay in a comment on the issue thread we linked last week with “some background on the future of Create React App” and concludes with the team’s thoughts on…

Journey to adopt Cloud-Native DevOps platform Series #1: OfferUp modernized DevOps platform with Amazon EKS and Flagger to accelerate time to market

January 31, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

In this two part series, we discuss the challenges faced by OfferUp, a Digital Native customer, to meet business growth and time-to-market. Their journey involved modernizing their existing DevOps platform, from the traditional monolith virtual machine (VM) based architecture to modern containerized architecture and running…