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November 30, 2022
Mark Otto
Working with Zustand — Some tips for using Zustand, a relatively minimal state management library with a lot of enthusiastic users. TkDodo As an aside, Zustand’s homepage has one of the nicest (cutest?) parallax-style effects I’ve seen (and I usually dislike parallax effects!) CSS Variables for React…
November 25, 2022
Mark Otto
The State of JavaScript 2022 Survey is Open — JavaScript’s most popular annual survey is open once again. The results (2021’s, for example) are always fascinating to see, so go share your knowledge so we can see where JavaScript is headed. There’s a ‘guest’ mode…
November 24, 2022
Mark Otto
💡 While we like to support new, promising projects, it’s not as if it hasn’t been done before though. AdonisJS and Sails are good options in this space. Node.js Architecture Pitfalls to Avoid — Beware: opinions ahead. It’s a little scattershot but the author, who…
November 23, 2022
Mark Otto
Apache Flink is a popular open source framework for stateful computations over data streams. It allows you to formulate queries that are continuously evaluated in near real time against an incoming stream of events. To persist derived insights from these queries in downstream systems, Apache…
November 23, 2022
Mark Otto
Improving React Interaction Times by 4x — This is about as practical and real world as it gets. Causal’s engineers noticed some sluggish UI interactions in their React app (as many of us do) and were determined to get to the cause of the problem.…
November 22, 2022
Mark Otto
Today we are happy to announce a new open source project, Finch. Finch is a new command line client for building, running, and publishing Linux containers. It provides for simple installation of a native macOS client, along with a curated set of de facto standard…
November 21, 2022
Mark Otto
In 2021, we released the AWS Analytics Reference Architecture, a new AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) application end-to-end example, as open source (docs are CC-BY-SA 4.0 International, sample code is MIT-0). It shows how our customers can use the available AWS products and features…
November 18, 2022
Mark Otto
AWS re:Invent is filled with fantastic opportunities, but I wanted to tell you about a space that lets you dive deep with some fantastic open source projects and contributors: the AWS Modern Applications and Open Source Zone! Located in the east alcove on the third…
November 18, 2022
Mark Otto
What’s So Great About Functional Programming? — If anyone has excitedly insisted you check out Elm, PureScript, Haskell or F#, they may have caught Functionitis™ and want you to catch it too. James, author of the forthcoming Skeptic’s Guide to Functional Programming with JavaScript, sells…
November 17, 2022
Mark Otto
Deno 1.28 Released (Now with 1.3 Million New Modules..?) — Yes, we know Deno isn’t Node (it is an anagram of it, though 😏) but given its shared provenance and now that Deno now officially supports using npm modules in a ‘stable’ way, this is…