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May 12, 2022
Mark Otto
An Enhanced 2FA Experience for Your npm Account — Over the past six months, GitHub has been keen to tighten up security around the publishing of npm packages with two-factor authentication at the heart of the effort. Now an array of improved 2FA features are…
May 11, 2022
Mark Otto
An RFC for useEvent, a New Fundamental React Hook — Billed as a so-far ‘missing piece’ of the hooks system, the proposed useEvent is for defining an event handler that ‘sees’ fresh props/state but has a stable function identity. The motivation and use cases are…
May 10, 2022
Mark Otto
You work as a developer or software engineer and sometimes you feel tired, procrastinating and not satisfied with your effectiveness at work. It is a common thing for many developers because web-development is hard work that requires a lot of concentration and brain tension. In…
May 6, 2022
Mark Otto
Ryan Dahl on ‘JavaScript Containers’ — Ryan, originally known for Node and now Deno, thinks about JavaScript as being a universal scripting language and how the JS sandbox acts as a sort of high level version of the traditional Linux container and will only become…
May 5, 2022
Mark Otto
The Thing About Fastify — Express isn’t the only game in town but sometimes it feels like it, so Jonas has written a love letter, of sorts, to Fastify, an alternative Node.js Web framework that ticks his boxes and which you, too, should consider, if you…
May 4, 2022
Mark Otto
Shopify Unveils React Native Skia — Skia is a popular (used in Chrome, Android, Firefox, etc.) 2D graphics library and Shopify has brought its 2D drawing capabilities into React Native for you to create your own cross-platform graphics on the fly in any RN app.…
April 29, 2022
Mark Otto
Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks — While the pre-2012 history is a bit fuzzy given the author’s experiences, this is a nice retrospective and attempt to break down the history of JavaScript frameworks into four eras, each of which builds upon what came before. Chris Garrett…
April 28, 2022
Mark Otto
Node 18’s ‘Prefix-Only’ Core Modules — A look at a new type of core module that can’t be imported quite like the others, e.g. import test from ‘node:test’ – what is this unusual package name notation about? Colin breaks it down in an easy to…
April 27, 2022
Mark Otto
The number of people working remotely has significantly risen worldwide since the beginning of the COVID in January 2020. And in spring 2022, with ongoing pandemics, many businesses in Eastern Europe faced new threats and had to find new ways to organize safe employees’ workplaces.…
April 27, 2022
Mark Otto
Remotion 3.0: ‘Write’ Videos in React — Remotion provides a way for you to use your React knowledge to create videos by writing what you want to happen in code with Remotion then handling the rendering and encoding. ▶️ This video showing off the new…