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December 17, 2021
Mark Otto
Introduction Angular is a worldwide known framework for creating web applications. It goes in two different versions – Angular or AngularJS. And, each of them has its peculiarities. AngularJS was built in 2009 and using it will show you, how data changes in JavaScript can…
December 17, 2021
Mark Otto
Deep-Copying in JavaScript Using structuredClone — Ever had to resort to workarounds and libraries to create a deep copy of a value? structuredClone() to the rescue as a built-in function for deep-copying. Surma shows it off in this post, but note that support is currently…
December 16, 2021
Mark Otto
Quick Intro Recently we have published an article on this very topic, called 6 React Project Ideas to Help You Learn by Doing. And out with the new, in with the old. The best way to learn React is certainly through direct practice. If someone…
December 16, 2021
Mark Otto
How To Write Shell Scripts in Node with Google’s zx — zx is a utility that makes it easier to write command line scripts based around Node. This tutorial covers the basics before going on to build a command-line tool that helps bootstrap configuration for…
December 15, 2021
Mark Otto
🎄 This is the last normal issue of the year but we’re back next week with a “best of 2021” edition to cap off the year. Season’s greetings to you all!__Peter Cooper and Terence Gannon — editors Open-Source Session Replay for Developers — We let…
December 14, 2021
Mark Otto
Bootstrap or Material UI – the age-old question everyone has asked yourself at least once. Without a long introductory we want to present a short table with main conclusions on each criterion of the comparison. Those of you who want to know more may read…
December 14, 2021
Mark Otto
Select menus are a common choice for datepickers since they’re easy to set up. But after decades of using MM/DD/YY menus, I think our users deserve better. Datepickers are essential for many businesses. They can also be used to track time for any specified purpose.…
December 13, 2021
Mark Otto
Angular is a very robust, popular web framework primarily used to build single-page applications (SPAs). At Flatlogic, we also often use Angular in developing admin dashboards. You can check out free angular templates. In this article, we will speak about open-source Angular 2.x projects. Many…
December 10, 2021
Mark Otto
▶ A Coding Interview with Dan Abramov — Dan Abramov, best known for his fantastic Overreacted blog and co-creating Redux, bravely subjects himself to a ‘coding interview’ with Ben Awad. They cover a mixture of JavaScript and frontend topics, including.. centering a div! Ben Awad and Dan…
December 9, 2021
Mark Otto
Introduction The most general meaning of the word template is an object used to produce or mould new objects with a high degree of uniformity. This is an old concept. A well-shaped spearhead mould meant the whole army could be supplied with spears of adequate…