Better toast for React

August 4, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

What’s New in React-Hot-Toast 2.0React Hot Toast is a popular React on-page notifications system. Although the opportunity to customize the notifications in the new release chips away at the original ‘toast’ metaphor, there’s a lot of configurability in the new version that will prove valuable for many. It also has better accessability and a custom renderer. GitHub repo.

Timo Lins

Recoil 0.4.0 Released — Another couple of months in the inexorable march to its first official release, there is a new preliminary release of Recoil, an experimental state management library for React apps being built by a team at Facebook (not the React team itself, notably). There’s a couple of new features and a number of bug fixes and optimizations.

Facebook Experimental

React Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on long-term projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.

Find React Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.

🛠 Code and Tools

HTM 3.1.0: A JSX Alternative using Standard Tagged Templates — This clever library has been around a few years but continues to see updates. Think JSX-style syntax but in plain JavaScript (using tagged templates) that requires no transpilation but still supports things like rest spread and referencing components.

Jason Miller

CKEditor WYSIWYG Editor for React — A popular robust WYSIWYG editor (which is both GPL and commercially licensed) ready to integrate with your application, as illustrated with the demo.


⚡️ Quick Bits:

  • Filemanager — Minimize the learning curve by implementing a file browsing experience based on the one the user already knows.
  • react-country-region-selector — Outsource the whole problem of knowing which regions relate to which countries.
  • rc-queue-anim — Animate React components in a queue.