Category: angular js

The JavaScript tool hiding in macOS

August 27, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

jsc: My New Best Friend — If you’re on macOS, did you know you don’t need to install Node or Deno to have a JavaScript runtime at the terminal? JavaScriptCore to the rescue. (You need to create a symbolic link or extend your path before the…

Vue Components as Custom Elements with Vue 3.2

August 13, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Vue 3.2 Released — Some new features for single file components, significant perf improvements, and it’s now easy to define native custom elements with defineCustomElement (learn more about this in Vue Components as Custom Elements – this could be a big deal for many). Evan…

Beating the JavaScript drum

July 30, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Using console.log() Debugging in Visual Studio Code — Using the JavaScript debugger in VS Code you can access the browser developer tools console right inside the editor. Ideal if you’re in that happy majority of console.log debuggers? 🙂 Christian Heilmann Learn the Fundamentals of Redux — Add…

JS debugging now built in to VS Code

July 23, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

💡 If you like this sort of thing, last year’s State of JS results may also be of interest. Node-RED 2.0 Released — Node-RED is a now very mature ‘low-code’ Node.js-based programming environment, particularly aimed at connecting together services or IoT devices. The 2.0 release…

A JavaScript card trick

July 16, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

The Road to Ember 4.0 — The Ember.js framework is ten years old this year and while it’s not often in the headlines, it’s one of the most solid, reliable and battle tested systems out there and a big update is on the way. Matthew Beale…

The state of Web Workers

July 9, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Uptime Monitoring Is Now Available in AppSignal — Uptime monitoring is the first line of defense against downtime. Ping your apps every minute from 4 locations around the world and receive alerts when something is down. Now you’ll know about downtime before your users do. AppSignal…

It’s about time

July 2, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Solid 1.0: A Declarative JavaScript UI Library Worth Investigating — JavaScript isn’t short of good reactive frameworks (React, Svelte, Vue..) but Solid’s creator is determined and adamant to demonstrate how Solid addresses React’s shortcomings while offering Svelte-like simplicity. He makes a good case, so try…

ES2021 approved by Ecma

June 25, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

▶  Coding Up a Mario Game in JavaScript with Kaboom.js — Ania is back showing us how to create a basic platformer in the course of an hour in her typically breezy, easy to follow manner. Watch this if you want to reignite that coding spark. Ania Kubów…