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October 1, 2021
Mark Otto
⭐️ Professional JavaScript Learning Path — From JavaScript foundations, all the way to Hardcore Functional JavaScript, find out how far you can go with your JavaScript abilities in this comprehensive learning path. Frontend Masters 7GUIs in JavaScript — A JavaScript variation of a GUI programming experiment…
September 24, 2021
Mark Otto
You (Possibly) Don’t Need Moment.js — Moment.js remains a popular date and time manipulation library but this repo shows off (a lot of) alternative approaches, including many native functions that do similar things. Various Contributors Introducing Gatsby 4: Now in Beta — Gatsby 4, the latest…
September 17, 2021
Mark Otto
Q1K3: A JavaScript Homage to Quake in Just 13KB — It’s (another) quiet week for big JavaScript news, so we’re going with the fun angle and looking at a popular entrant to the latest JS13KGames contest that ended this week. No winners yet but this…
September 10, 2021
Mark Otto
✍️ The hardest time of the year for putting a strong issue together is usually August, but this year the lull has moved to early September 🙂 No big news or releases this week, but lots of bits and pieces you’ll hopefully find useful. __ Peter…
September 3, 2021
Mark Otto
Visual Studio Code August 2021 Released — It always feels odd linking to these as they name releases for the prior month, but new features include automatic language detection, built-in bracket colorization (enabled via editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled), improved terminal glyph rendering, inline hints for JS/TS param names…
August 27, 2021
Mark Otto
jsc: My New Best Friend — If you’re on macOS, did you know you don’t need to install Node or Deno to have a JavaScript runtime at the terminal? JavaScriptCore to the rescue. (You need to create a symbolic link or extend your path before the…
August 20, 2021
Mark Otto
An Absurd Future for SQL on the Web? — absurd-sql is a project aiming to provide a persistent backend for SQLite on the web. It uses IndexedDB but with sql.js in front so you can use SQLite in a natural but persisted way from webapps.…
August 13, 2021
Mark Otto
Vue 3.2 Released — Some new features for single file components, significant perf improvements, and it’s now easy to define native custom elements with defineCustomElement (learn more about this in Vue Components as Custom Elements – this could be a big deal for many). Evan…
August 6, 2021
Mark Otto
Kid Pix as a JavaScript App — Kid Pix was a drawing program for children released on the Mac in 1989 (here’s a full story about it, if you hadn’t heard of it before). Here’s a JavaScript reimplementation. It saves your work if you go…
July 30, 2021
Mark Otto
Using console.log() Debugging in Visual Studio Code — Using the JavaScript debugger in VS Code you can access the browser developer tools console right inside the editor. Ideal if you’re in that happy majority of console.log debuggers? 🙂 Christian Heilmann Learn the Fundamentals of Redux — Add…
Beating the JavaScript drum
July 30, 2021 By Mark Otto OffUsing console.log() Debugging in Visual Studio Code — Using the JavaScript debugger in VS Code you can access the browser developer tools console right inside the editor. Ideal if you’re in that happy majority of console.log debuggers? 🙂 Christian Heilmann Learn the Fundamentals of Redux — Add…