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October 12, 2023
Mark Otto
✍️ Due to being on the road at an event, this is a more compact and bijou issue but I’m back at full pace next week 😅__Peter Cooper, your editor Speeding Up the JS Ecosystem: The Barrel File Debacle — Marvin continues his tour through…
October 5, 2023
Mark Otto
An Interactive Intro to CRDTs — Conflict-free replicated data types (the so-called CRDTs) provide a popular approach to replicate data across numerous clients and allow live collaboration between them without conflicts. This post really digs into what makes CRDTs tick well, complete with interactive examples. Jake…
September 28, 2023
Mark Otto
The Saga of Google’s Closure Compiler — Dan looks back at Google’s Closure Compiler, a JavaScript transpiler Google built in 2004 and used most heavily in the pre-TypeScript era to reduce the size of JavaScript files, check types, and otherwise handle common pitfalls. A neat…
September 21, 2023
Mark Otto
▶ TypeScript Origins: The Documentary — You know you’ve made it when you get your own documentary! This has just dropped but is well produced, packed with stories from TypeScript’s co-creators, users, and other folks at Microsoft, and kept me entertained. It goes particularly deep into…
September 14, 2023
Mark Otto
Bun 1.0: Is It a Toolkit? Is It a Runtime? It’s Both — You’ve used Node, you’ve seen Deno, now Bun has grown up too. It’s a performance-oriented server-side JS runtime built atop JavaScriptCore and makes the unique claim of being “a drop-in replacement for…
September 7, 2023
Mark Otto
😅 We’re back! After two weeks enjoying the blistering desert heat of Las Vegas and downpours of Storm Hilary, I’m ready to get back to the weekly JavaScript roundups – fingers crossed we’re here each week till Christmas now 🙂__Peter Cooper and the Cooperpress team Good…
August 17, 2023
Mark Otto
🏝️ I’m taking two weeks off and will be back on Thursday, September 7. So if you don’t see the newsletter turn up for a while, it’s our fault 😉 As I’ve had to produce much of this issue a few days in advance, I’m mixing…
August 10, 2023
Mark Otto
My Experience Modernizing Packages to ESM — What a post! Mark, well known for his work on React, Redux, and much more, details the painful experiences and hard-earned lessons he picked up while migrating the Redux packages to ES modules. Mark ‘acemarke’ Erikson Things You Forgot (or…
August 3, 2023
Mark Otto
A Tale of Evading JavaScript Anti-Debugging Techniques — When you’re poking arounddebugging code written and distributed by a third party, there might be some sneaky traps thrown in your path to prevent your usual techniques from working. What next? Disable breakpoints in DevTools? Use a…
July 27, 2023
Mark Otto
Hono + Htmx + Cloudflare: A New Stack? — A lot of people seem to be jumping on htmx lately as an alternative to the complexity of frameworks like React, but what if you want to keep using JSX? Hono is a (vaguely Express-like) Web…