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October 31, 2023
Mark Otto
We’re excited to show that quality software can be developed quickly! In just 3 days, our team built an example of a Real Estate Application using our AI-based Flatlogic generator! See Demo The application includes essential features for both real estate professionals and consumers, such…
October 26, 2023
Mark Otto
🗣 Jake’s post fuelled an extensive Hacker News discussion touching on everything from MDX and htmx‘s role, to state management and the ‘shallow’ nature of the Web Components API as-is. Yarn 4.0 Released — Starting life as an npm alternative that resolved several of its…
October 19, 2023
Mark Otto
Node.js 21 Released — In the next week or so, Node v21 replaces v20 as the ‘current’ release that gets the new features first, with Node v20 becoming the ‘active’ LTS version. v21 introduces V8 11.8, npm 10.2, stable Web Streams support, and an experimental…
October 17, 2023
Mark Otto
CRM makes collecting your customer and prospect data less challenging. But, ensuring data quality for each target customer takes a lot of work. Thus, you must learn tips to improve your CRM data quality to boost your business sales. Ever wondered what defines data quality…
October 12, 2023
Mark Otto
✍️ Due to being on the road at an event, this is a more compact and bijou issue but I’m back at full pace next week 😅__Peter Cooper, your editor Speeding Up the JS Ecosystem: The Barrel File Debacle — Marvin continues his tour through…
October 9, 2023
Mark Otto
In the globalized world, about 34% of Business interruptions are caused by poor workflow management. Workflow management ensures responsibilities and strategies work seamlessly, boosting productivity and assisting agencies with development. But here’s the exciting element: today’s technology and innovative business apps are like magic tools…
October 5, 2023
Mark Otto
An Interactive Intro to CRDTs — Conflict-free replicated data types (the so-called CRDTs) provide a popular approach to replicate data across numerous clients and allow live collaboration between them without conflicts. This post really digs into what makes CRDTs tick well, complete with interactive examples. Jake…
September 28, 2023
Mark Otto
The Saga of Google’s Closure Compiler — Dan looks back at Google’s Closure Compiler, a JavaScript transpiler Google built in 2004 and used most heavily in the pre-TypeScript era to reduce the size of JavaScript files, check types, and otherwise handle common pitfalls. A neat…
September 27, 2023
Mark Otto
Understanding the ins and outs of these applications can be your golden ticket to competitive advantage and success. Get ready to navigate this comprehensive guide, filled with seasoned advice and actionable insights, all designed to enhance your organization’s capabilities. What are these business applications? How…
September 21, 2023
Mark Otto
▶ TypeScript Origins: The Documentary — You know you’ve made it when you get your own documentary! This has just dropped but is well produced, packed with stories from TypeScript’s co-creators, users, and other folks at Microsoft, and kept me entertained. It goes particularly deep into…