Category: javascript

Turbo-charged incremental bundling au Rust

October 28, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  Turbopack: A Rust-Powered ‘Successor’ to Webpack — With over 3 billion downloads, webpack is the current champion of the bundlers (though Vite has been rapidly advancing). Vercel found it too slow and has funded work on Turbopack. It’s a project to keep an…

🪜 Decorating with Dr. Axel

October 21, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  Metaprogramming with the 2022-03 Decorators API — If you’re a Python developer, you’ll be miles ahead on this idea. If not, decorators provide a way to manipulate classes, fields, methods, and accessors at define time to give them extra, amended, or wrapped functionality…

Node to keep an eye on your code

October 14, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  ▶  Creating Your Own JavaScript Runtime with V8 — Want to join the pantheon of developers famed and esteemed for creating things like Node, Deno, and Bun by creating a JS runtime of your own? Erick takes us deep into the main moving parts…

Axios turns 1.0; TypeScript turns 10

October 7, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  🤔 If you wonder why people use Axios when the Fetch API is widely supporters, interceptors are just one of many features its fans cite. ‘I Turned JS Into a Compiled Language (for Fun and Wasm)’ — You can never be bored observing…

How To Write The Software Development Project Brief

October 4, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Software development is as in-demand as it could possibly be today. Big and small companies alike (and even independent entrepreneurs) are regularly hiring software developers to create programs, applications, and various online tools. But just like with anything else, software development requires proper planning to…

Introducing new Flatlogic Platform pricing plans

September 30, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

We’re excited to announce our new pricing plan! Pricing changes are always tough but we do believe that this new structure will be more aligned with how people use our products—and that it’s more sustainable long term for us as well. We want to continue…

How TypeScript 4.9 satisfies

September 30, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

The Web Almanac 2022’s Take on the State of JavaScript in the Real World — What’s better: a survey, or real world usage data from 8 million sites? If you prefer the latter, this is for you. The Web Almanac is an annual ‘state of the…

How to do marketing to developers. A big guide

September 23, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Initial thoughts This article was written by the marketing team of Flatlogic. Flatlogic full-stack web application generator is a tool for the fast creation of web applications from scratch. The tool provides the UI for creating the database schema from which you generate the application…

Extractors for ECMAScript

September 23, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

A Proposed JS Feature: Extractor Objects — Entering stage one at the latest TC39 meeting is a proposal for being able to define your own logic (such as data validation or transformation) to run as part of the object destructuring process. A proposal worth reviewing. Ecma…

Best React Component Libraries

September 20, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

React is the most commonly used web framework today. What started as a universal UI library developed by Facebook in 2011 and went open source in 2013 is now widely used to create compelling user interfaces. React consists of components – small pieces of code…