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May 27, 2022
Mark Otto
Introduction Being a multi-paradigm language, JavaScript maintains programming styles that are managed by events, functional, concentrated on objects, and oriented on prototypes. In the beginning, JavaScript was utilized just on the side of a customer. Still, nowadays, it is also utilized as a programming language…
May 27, 2022
Mark Otto
npm Security Update: What GitHub’s Learnt About April’s Attack — Last month, GitHub, the stewards of the npm registry, reported that stolen OAuth tokens were used to access certain private repositories, private package manifests & metadata, as well as npm user account data. Here’s an…
May 26, 2022
Mark Otto
React and Vue are the two most popular and widely used JavaScript frontend frameworks today. These frameworks allow developers to create a wide variety of web applications with JavaScript. Choosing between the two can be confusing if you are building a new application. Each has…
May 20, 2022
Mark Otto
Headless CMS with World-Class TypeScript Support — Kontent handles all your content management. Streamline your code using TypeScript SDK, CLI, Rich Text resolver, and strongly typed Model Generator and scale with no problems when your project grows. Have you seen our UI? Kontent by Kentico Web…
May 13, 2022
Mark Otto
Using Google’s CrUX to Compare Performance of JS Frameworks — Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) is a dataset of user experience metrics collected from real world Chrome users and it’s possible to use it to analyze and compare the performance profiles of different UI frameworks,…
May 10, 2022
Mark Otto
You work as a developer or software engineer and sometimes you feel tired, procrastinating and not satisfied with your effectiveness at work. It is a common thing for many developers because web-development is hard work that requires a lot of concentration and brain tension. In…
May 6, 2022
Mark Otto
Ryan Dahl on ‘JavaScript Containers’ — Ryan, originally known for Node and now Deno, thinks about JavaScript as being a universal scripting language and how the JS sandbox acts as a sort of high level version of the traditional Linux container and will only become…
April 29, 2022
Mark Otto
Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks — While the pre-2012 history is a bit fuzzy given the author’s experiences, this is a nice retrospective and attempt to break down the history of JavaScript frameworks into four eras, each of which builds upon what came before. Chris Garrett…
April 27, 2022
Mark Otto
The number of people working remotely has significantly risen worldwide since the beginning of the COVID in January 2020. And in spring 2022, with ongoing pandemics, many businesses in Eastern Europe faced new threats and had to find new ways to organize safe employees’ workplaces.…
April 22, 2022
Mark Otto
Lots of bits and pieces this week like running JavaScript on MS-DOS(!?), a deep dive on a V8 optimization, writing React apps on top of Ruby on Rails, a JS runtime for a tiny microcontroller, and, oh, a huge Node release.. Lexical: An Extensible Text…