Category: javascript

Best Libraries for React I18n

September 1, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Internationalization is an integral part of modern software development. In addition to English-speaking countries, there are still many paying markets where a project may not be successful without internationalization and localization. Different studies show that 72% of consumers are more likely to stay on a…

The JavaScript tool hiding in macOS

August 27, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

jsc: My New Best Friend — If you’re on macOS, did you know you don’t need to install Node or Deno to have a JavaScript runtime at the terminal? JavaScriptCore to the rescue. (You need to create a symbolic link or extend your path before the…

Top 12+ React Datepickers to Use in 2021

August 26, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

We’ve decided to get a deeper look into the theme of React Datepickers and present you with Flatlogic’s list of their top representatives. Let’s, first of all, take a little detour into what a React Datepicker is.  What is a React Datepicker  Generally speaking, a…

Full Stack Web Application Generator by Flatlogic

August 19, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Hello there! 👋 I am thrilled to announce to you our new tool called Flatlogic Web Application Generator. 🔥 It is a compilation of more than 7 years of our professional knowledge in web software development. The idea is really simple and consists of a few…

Vue Components as Custom Elements with Vue 3.2

August 13, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Vue 3.2 Released — Some new features for single file components, significant perf improvements, and it’s now easy to define native custom elements with defineCustomElement (learn more about this in Vue Components as Custom Elements – this could be a big deal for many). Evan…

Take The Quiz! Top 20 React.js Interview Questions

August 12, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Answer #2 JSX, Event Handling, Virtual DOM, Computed Properties, Template Answer #2 You are close, but no cigar on this one, as this answer is, in fact, a mix of Vue.JS’ and React.JS’ main features. Let’s clear the smog a little: both Vue.JS and React.JS…