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August 12, 2021
Mark Otto
Answer #2 JSX, Event Handling, Virtual DOM, Computed Properties, Template Answer #2 You are close, but no cigar on this one, as this answer is, in fact, a mix of Vue.JS’ and React.JS’ main features. Let’s clear the smog a little: both Vue.JS and React.JS…
August 6, 2021
Mark Otto
Kid Pix as a JavaScript App — Kid Pix was a drawing program for children released on the Mac in 1989 (here’s a full story about it, if you hadn’t heard of it before). Here’s a JavaScript reimplementation. It saves your work if you go…
August 3, 2021
Mark Otto
I guess every front-end developer had that moment in their career when work on a website was already at the finish line, but the website looked like it lacked some life. Users weren’t able to interact with the design, and the only plan for making…
July 30, 2021
Mark Otto
Using console.log() Debugging in Visual Studio Code — Using the JavaScript debugger in VS Code you can access the browser developer tools console right inside the editor. Ideal if you’re in that happy majority of console.log debuggers? 🙂 Christian Heilmann Learn the Fundamentals of Redux — Add…
July 28, 2021
Mark Otto
Introduction in Material UI Icons In React Hello, Bonjour and Guten Tag to you. We have said it many times before and we won’t get tired of repeating that there are no small things when developing a project. The reasoning behind this belief we have…
July 23, 2021
Mark Otto
💡 If you like this sort of thing, last year’s State of JS results may also be of interest. Node-RED 2.0 Released — Node-RED is a now very mature ‘low-code’ Node.js-based programming environment, particularly aimed at connecting together services or IoT devices. The 2.0 release…
July 20, 2021
Mark Otto
React website templates. React overview. There are lots of templates on the web nowadays. And React website templates are among the most popular ones. Just imagine, React library has got 172k stars on GitHub and more than 10,636,147 weekly downloads on npm! Free React themes…
July 20, 2021
Mark Otto
jQuery vs. JavaScript JavaScript What is JavaScript used for? JavaScript web development capabilities allow websites to perform actions such as refreshing specific parts of a page without reloading the entire website, displaying pop-up messages, or introducing animations into 2D or 3D graphics. Overall, the main…
July 16, 2021
Mark Otto
The Road to Ember 4.0 — The Ember.js framework is ten years old this year and while it’s not often in the headlines, it’s one of the most solid, reliable and battle tested systems out there and a big update is on the way. Matthew Beale…
July 15, 2021
Mark Otto
Why you should look for Twitter Bootstrap alternatives? Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework that is used for building responsive web interfaces. Nowadays, Bootstrap is not only an adaptive grid system but a full-fledged toolkit with components and JS plugins. A…
Beating the JavaScript drum
July 30, 2021 By Mark Otto OffUsing console.log() Debugging in Visual Studio Code — Using the JavaScript debugger in VS Code you can access the browser developer tools console right inside the editor. Ideal if you’re in that happy majority of console.log debuggers? 🙂 Christian Heilmann Learn the Fundamentals of Redux — Add…