Category: next js

A 2022 take on TodoMVC in plain JS

May 6, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Ryan Dahl on ‘JavaScript Containers’ — Ryan, originally known for Node and now Deno, thinks about JavaScript as being a universal scripting language and how the JS sandbox acts as a sort of high level version of the traditional Linux container and will only become…

Let’s build a JavaScript bundler

April 29, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks — While the pre-2012 history is a bit fuzzy given the author’s experiences, this is a nice retrospective and attempt to break down the history of JavaScript frameworks into four eras, each of which builds upon what came before. Chris Garrett…

Node.js 18, WebAssembly 2.0, and Ember 4.3

April 22, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Lots of bits and pieces this week like running JavaScript on MS-DOS(!?), a deep dive on a V8 optimization, writing React apps on top of Ruby on Rails, a JS runtime for a tiny microcontroller, and, oh, a huge Node release.. Lexical: An Extensible Text…

On function composition in JavaScript

April 15, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

JS Function Composition: What’s The Big Deal? — James’ articles on JavaScript fundamentals have been very popular over the years, so it’s great to see a new one focusing on a common activity: function composition — “Why, then, do functional programmers get all worked up…

Format JavaScript as the Romans do?

April 8, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Writing Redux Reducers in Rust — We often cover how Rust is worming its way into numerous JavaScript areas (e.g. Rome, above!) but this is an interesting one: using Rust to write complex functions that are compiled down to WASM and used in a React/Redux app.…

Time to get decorating

April 1, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

🤞 Fingers crossed, but unless we’ve been successfully pranked ourselves, this is an April Fools’ prank free zone! Sorry if you like a bit of frivolity on April 1st, but completeness and accuracy come before entertainment here. Boring, I know, but we don’t stand a…

React 18 due any day now..

March 25, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

RFC: Intent to Ship React 18 — This RFC covers the new features and changes coming to React 18. While React 18 is very close, the team would like to get ‘one final round of broad public feedback’ (which you can submit here) before shipping. React…

Getting creative with JavaScript

March 18, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Shader Park: Create Interactive 2D and 3D Shaders with JavaScript — An open source Web-based platform, community, and library for simplifying the mystifying world of shaders and GPUs by letting you create them procedurally with JavaScript. Lots to play with and explore here. Note: This…

Bringing static type syntax into JavaScript itself

March 11, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

🤦 Thanks to all readers who noticed we made a mistake with last week’s subject line “TypeScript 2.6 released” – rather than the intended 4.6. We were only 4 years late with that news 😉 Rest assured, more caffeine has been consumed today.. Credit: Daniel Rosenwasser…

TypeScript 2.6 released

March 4, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

TypeScript 4.6 Released (And It Even Benefits Non-TS Users!) — The typed superset of JavaScript takes another step forward with the addition of the es2022 target, allowing code in constructors before super(), improved recursion depth checks, more syntax errors that can be detected in JavaScript…