Category: node js

Angular is back

November 9, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Reintroducing Angular with Angular v17 — Angular first appeared in the shape of AngularJS in 2010 and helped launch a wave of large-scale JavaScript frameworks. Angular remains popular in many use cases but is often overlooked in favor of newer options. v17 takes a leap…

Sizing up your images with Sindre

November 7, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

🖼  image-dimensions: Get the Dimensions of Images — Sindre’s latest creation is a simple but comprehensive one. A way to get the size (as width and height in pixels) for JPEG, PNG, APNG, and GIFs in any modern JavaScript environment. He seeks PRs to add…

Big news for both Next.js and Remix

November 2, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Next.js 14 Released — Unveiled at last week’s Next.js Conf, v14 caused a lot of community discussion (not least on Hacker News), largely surrounding Server Actions being declared stable and the ‘backend-meets-frontend’ opportunities this opens up. A new partial prerendering feature is also in preview,…

ES module autodetection coming to Node

October 31, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Node v20 Becomes Active LTS Version with v20.9.0 — Codenamed ‘Iron’, v20.9.0 is the first v20 release in its new role as the active LTS release line – a role it will keep till October 2024. Time to start thinking about those Node 18 →…

Web Components forever?

October 26, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

🗣 Jake’s post fuelled an extensive Hacker News discussion touching on everything from MDX and htmx‘s role, to state management and the ‘shallow’ nature of the Web Components API as-is. Yarn 4.0 Released — Starting life as an npm alternative that resolved several of its…

Taking Node to the JVM

October 24, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Yarn 4.0 Released — Yarn began life as an npm alternative that resolved several major pain points with npm at the time, particularly around performance. It remains a popular option and v4 introduces a new ‘hardened mode’ to protect you from certain security issues and…

Ways to serve up less JavaScript

October 19, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Node.js 21 Released — In the next week or so, Node v21 replaces v20 as the ‘current’ release that gets the new features first, with Node v20 becoming the ‘active’ LTS version. v21 introduces V8 11.8, npm 10.2, stable Web Streams support, and an experimental…

Node.js 21 released

October 17, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

😅 We’ve mentioned some community efforts to create a mascot for Node recently, but the Node project itself has 🐦 unveiled a Node.js mascot design contest on Twitter/X. You have until November 6 to submit your ideas. Don’t Block the Event Loop (or the Worker Pool)…

Fluid simulation in JavaScript

October 12, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

✍️ Due to being on the road at an event, this is a more compact and bijou issue but I’m back at full pace next week 😅__Peter Cooper, your editor Speeding Up the JS Ecosystem: The Barrel File Debacle — Marvin continues his tour through…

Testing perfection for Node?

October 10, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

✍️ Due to being on the road attending the inaugural AI Engineer Summit, this week’s issue was meant to be far shorter than usual.. but I’m not sure it’s actually turned out that way 😅 In any case, we’re back to full service next week!__Your…