Category: node js

.env support coming to Node

August 29, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

👋 We’re back! Well, sort of.. If you didn’t get an issue of Node Weekly in the past few weeks, don’t worry, I was on vacation. I’m technically on vacation for a couple more days but didn’t want too many issues to pass by, so…

We’re taking a few weeks off, but..

August 17, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

🏝️ I’m taking two weeks off and will be back on Thursday, September 7. So if you don’t see the newsletter turn up for a while, it’s our fault 😉 As I’ve had to produce much of this issue a few days in advance, I’m mixing…

Svelte 5 is going to be radical

August 10, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

My Experience Modernizing Packages to ESM — What a post! Mark, well known for his work on React, Redux, and much more, details the painful experiences and hard-earned lessons he picked up while migrating the Redux packages to ES modules. Mark ‘acemarke’ Erikson Things You Forgot (or…

Let’s create some dependency graphs

August 8, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

☀️ We’re taking two weeks off and will be back on Tuesday, August 29. It’s true, we’re taking a rare vacation and will be back in a couple of weeks, so if you don’t see us in your inbox, it’s not a fault at your…

Taking JavaScript into Python

August 3, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

A Tale of Evading JavaScript Anti-Debugging Techniques — When you’re poking arounddebugging code written and distributed by a third party, there might be some sneaky traps thrown in your path to prevent your usual techniques from working. What next? Disable breakpoints in DevTools? Use a…

Opening up the Node.js toolbox

August 1, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

PythonMonkey: JavaScript/WASM Interop for Python — The alpha release of a new way to bring Python and JavaScript together, by way of embedding Mozilla SpiderMonkey into the Python VM. This post introduces the concept with some examples, an idea of where the project is headed,…

Name mangling

July 27, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Hono + Htmx + Cloudflare: A New Stack? — A lot of people seem to be jumping on htmx lately as an alternative to the complexity of frameworks like React, but what if you want to keep using JSX? Hono is a (vaguely Express-like) Web…

The Node.js best practices list gets a 2023 update

July 25, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

The Node.js Best Practices List: 2023 Edition — A valuable, long standing resource has been “modernized to 2023 standards” (complete with recommendations of more modern libraries) with lots of work by creator Yoni and an ever growing team of contributors. The topics remain the same,…

The tale of how static typing came to JavaScript

July 20, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

TypeScript and the Dawn of Gradual Types — From GitHub’s ReadME project comes a thorough journalistic take on how static typing made it into the JavaScript world, what TypeScript offers, some alternative approaches, and the possibility of adding type annotations to JavaScript iself. Mike Melanson (GitHub)…

Automating code updates with codemods

July 18, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Upgrading TypeORM with jscodeshift — TypeORM is an ORM that supports both Data Mapper and Active Record patterns, and last year it introduced some breaking changes that left the author of this post facing a lot of updates to be made. What to do? Write…