Category: node js

Node 18 goes LTS

October 27, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Together with  Node 18 Becomes Active LTS with v18.12.0 — Formerly a ‘current’ release getting all the newest features, version 18 is now the active ‘Long Term Support’ release and will remain so until October 2023. Its codename is Hydrogen – quite fitting as the…

🪜 Decorating with Dr. Axel

October 21, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  Metaprogramming with the 2022-03 Decorators API — If you’re a Python developer, you’ll be miles ahead on this idea. If not, decorators provide a way to manipulate classes, fields, methods, and accessors at define time to give them extra, amended, or wrapped functionality…

Node 19 released

October 20, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Together with  Node.js 19 Released As an odd-numbered release, Node 19 will never become an ‘active LTS’ version, but sits as the ‘current’ release that gets all the tastiest new features until early 2023. It then reaches ‘end of life’ on June 1, 2023. “If…

Node to keep an eye on your code

October 14, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  ▶  Creating Your Own JavaScript Runtime with V8 — Want to join the pantheon of developers famed and esteemed for creating things like Node, Deno, and Bun by creating a JS runtime of your own? Erick takes us deep into the main moving parts…

✂️ Cutting away the unused parts of your project

October 13, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Together with  Node Authentication, Simplified — In this article, we lay out a new approach to authentication (plus access control & SSO) in Node.js applications. Userfront 🔐  Node.js Authentication with Twilio Verify — If you’re happy using a third party service, bringing two-factor auth into your…

Axios turns 1.0; TypeScript turns 10

October 7, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  🤔 If you wonder why people use Axios when the Fetch API is widely supporters, interceptors are just one of many features its fans cite. ‘I Turned JS Into a Compiled Language (for Fun and Wasm)’ — You can never be bored observing…

Digging into dependencies with npm query

October 6, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Together with  An Active Typosquatting Campaign Targeting npm Users — Security supply chain company Phylum detected a campaign to ‘typosquat’ against a variety of high profile packages. The idea behind typosquatting is that you claim package names similar to others, such as ‘expresss’ for express…

How TypeScript 4.9 satisfies

September 30, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

The Web Almanac 2022’s Take on the State of JavaScript in the Real World — What’s better: a survey, or real world usage data from 8 million sites? If you prefer the latter, this is for you. The Web Almanac is an annual ‘state of the…

Keep calm and carry on (using Node)

September 29, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

“Don’t Worry, Nobody is Replacing Node.js” — A bold assertion. Fernando reflects on the growing interest in alternative runtimes like Deno and Bun, but notes none really replace Node.js wholesale in the near future. And even if they did, most of your Node skills would…

Extractors for ECMAScript

September 23, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

A Proposed JS Feature: Extractor Objects — Entering stage one at the latest TC39 meeting is a proposal for being able to define your own logic (such as data validation or transformation) to run as part of the object destructuring process. A proposal worth reviewing. Ecma…