Category: node js

Native modules become ‘built-ins’

August 11, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

☀️ We’re taking a week off for a brief summer vacation and will be back on August 25, so when you don’t get an issue of Node Weekly next week, it’s our fault, not yours 😉__Peter Cooper, your editor. How To Use Multithreading in Node.js…

Genius misuse of WOFF 2 and Brotli to win a JavaScript contest.

August 5, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

JS1024 2022 Competition Winners — JS1024 is a ‘code golfing’ contest where you get 15 days to create a JavaScript or GLSL program within 1024 bytes. This results in lots of creative ideas, complete with fantastic (non-minified) source to check out. The winning JS entry…

A new way to query your dependencies.

August 4, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Introducing the New npm Dependency Selector Syntax — Another week, another new npm command! npm query is a new top-level command (as of npm v8.16.0) that lets you query and filter the dependencies of your project with a CSS-like dependency selector format so you can…

Douglas Crockford on ‘retiring’ JavaScript

July 29, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Roll Your Own JavaScript Runtime — Bun, Rhino, Deno, Node, and now Blueboat.. is creating your own JavaScript runtime environment the new “hello world”? 😆 Not quite, but this is a fun walk through the bare basics of the process, and you’ll have a Rust,…

Using Rust to build Node modules

July 28, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Introducing Even More Security Enhancements to npm — GitHub continues to up npm’s security game with enhancements that affect most of us in some way or another. There’s a streamlined login and publishing experience with the npm CLI, you can connect your GitHub and Twitter…

Common JavaScript issues developers face

July 22, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

RedwoodJS vs. Blitz.js: The Future of Fullstack Meta-Frameworks — Quite a lengthy review of both frameworks. Redwood is an opinionated React-based framework oriented heavily round the idea of a GraphQL server as the ‘one API’ at the heart of an app. Blitz, on the other…

cd /home/nodejs/news

July 21, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Working with File System Paths — Dr. Axel puts on his scuba gear and resumes his deep dive into Node with a look at ways to manipulate file system paths using core packages, including taking into account differences between Windows and POSIX systems. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer…

Vite 3, or in French: quick, quick, quick.

July 15, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

CKEditor 5 Is Here to Make Collaborative Writing Easy — A customizable rich text editor that allows you to build collaboration within your application in hours. Ready-to-use features like comments, track changes, real-time collaboration, version history and many more. Start your free trial to implement it now.…

Node 18.6 and custom ESM loaders

July 14, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Custom ESM Loaders: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? — That’s a lot of questions! Custom loaders aren’t necessarily something you’ll use directly a lot, but are useful behind the scenes for controlling how modules are loaded – this post shows off some examples. Node…

An all-in-Bun JavaScript runtime.

July 8, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Bun: An Exciting, Speedy New JavaScript Runtime — Tired of Node? Tired of Deno? Never. But a new challenger has appeared. Bun is aimed at ‘outside of browser’ use cases and is built around WebKit’s JavaScriptCore, rather than V8. Some notable features: Includes its own…