Category: node js

React 18 due any day now..

March 25, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

RFC: Intent to Ship React 18 — This RFC covers the new features and changes coming to React 18. While React 18 is very close, the team would like to get ‘one final round of broad public feedback’ (which you can submit here) before shipping. React…

A collection of proficient Node.js dev practices

March 24, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Tao of Node: On Design, Architecture and Best Practices — A developer has boiled down all of the hard-earned best practices and gut feelings he’s picked up for developing high-quality Node apps over time. Opinionated, yes, but high level enough to provide value to most. Alex…

Getting creative with JavaScript

March 18, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Shader Park: Create Interactive 2D and 3D Shaders with JavaScript — An open source Web-based platform, community, and library for simplifying the mystifying world of shaders and GPUs by letting you create them procedurally with JavaScript. Lots to play with and explore here. Note: This…

Damage caused by package-based protest

March 17, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Build a Fullstack App from Scratch — Join Scott Moss for this detailed video course on building a fully featured app using a modern stack (React, Next.js, TypeScript, Postgres). You’ll cover UI, data modeling, authentication, state management, deployment, testing, and more. Frontend Masters Node.js Security Releases…

Bringing static type syntax into JavaScript itself

March 11, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

🤦 Thanks to all readers who noticed we made a mistake with last week’s subject line “TypeScript 2.6 released” – rather than the intended 4.6. We were only 4 years late with that news 😉 Rest assured, more caffeine has been consumed today.. Credit: Daniel Rosenwasser…

What hides in your node_modules?

March 10, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Node v17.7.0 (Current) Released — Updates to nghttp2 and npm (8.5.2), some new options for net.Socket and net.Server, and Ben Noordhuis (one of the most prolific Node contributors who stepped back as a core committer for reasons in 2013) is officially fully back as a…

TypeScript 2.6 released

March 4, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

TypeScript 4.6 Released (And It Even Benefits Non-TS Users!) — The typed superset of JavaScript takes another step forward with the addition of the es2022 target, allowing code in constructors before super(), improved recursion depth checks, more syntax errors that can be detected in JavaScript…

Using ‘execa’ to run other processes

March 3, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Running Commands with execa in Node — We’ve linked to Sindre Sorhus’ popular execa process execution library many times over the years, but here’s a thorough tutorial which also shows off the value execa brings over the vanilla child_process. Simon Plenderleith Tired of Egregious Egress?…

How to read the spec behind JavaScript

February 25, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Learn the Fundamentals of Rx.js — This useful JavaScript library is great for managing events that happen over time, and in this detailed video course Steve Kinney covers what you need to know to make use of it — including observables, events, intervals, timers, operators,…

Node gains HTTPS module import support

February 24, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 12.1 Released — The popular React framework introduces a beta version of on-demand incremental static regeneration (ISR), now automatically configures Jest for you, and can create smaller, more efficient ‘standalone’ builds of your app for production deployment. Vercel Senior Backend Developer — Are you looking…