Category: node js

Electron 15.0 and Node v16.10.0

September 23, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

The Story of 5 RCEs Found in npm for $15,000 — A security researcher explains some remote code execution vulnerabilities he found in the npm tool and how they added up to $15K in payouts. Few of us need to dig into our tools this…

Quaking in our JavaScript boots

September 17, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Q1K3: A JavaScript Homage to Quake in Just 13KB — It’s (another) quiet week for big JavaScript news, so we’re going with the fun angle and looking at a popular entrant to the latest JS13KGames contest that ended this week. No winners yet but this…

Boarding the Fastify train

September 16, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Tasuku (タスク): A Minimal Task Runner for Node — Tasuku, which is simply Japanese for ‘task’, provides a clean way to break up processes into small tasks which can then be run in the right order with progress displayed elegantly in the terminal. Check out…

What’s new with all the DevTools?

September 10, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

✍️ The hardest time of the year for putting a strong issue together is usually August, but this year the lull has moved to early September 🙂 No big news or releases this week, but lots of bits and pieces you’ll hopefully find useful. __ Peter…

Node gets a built-in package manager manager (not a typo)

September 9, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Fauna: A Modern Serverless Data API for Node.js Apps — Fauna combines the schema flexibility that’s provided by document databases with ACID compliant transactions. Quickly integrate Fauna into your applications with our Data API and leave scaling, sharding and all other operations to Fauna. Fauna GitHub…

Running a Node app with Google Cloud Spanner

September 2, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Deploying a Cloud Spanner-Based Node App — Cloud Spanner is an ‘unlimited scale’ managed relational database service Google offers (and which was spun out of an internal database system Google used for numerous services). This post covers the practicalities of building a simple app with…

The JavaScript tool hiding in macOS

August 27, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

jsc: My New Best Friend — If you’re on macOS, did you know you don’t need to install Node or Deno to have a JavaScript runtime at the terminal? JavaScriptCore to the rescue. (You need to create a symbolic link or extend your path before the…

Controlling OBS Studio from Node.js

August 26, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

📋 In case you missed our notice a couple of weeks ago, we took a week off last week but are now back every week till Christmas 🙂 Don’t forget you can always hit reply to recommend things for us to consider for future issues…