Category: node js

Svelte for the experienced React developer

June 4, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Making JavaScript Run Fast on WebAssembly — Twenty years ago, JavaScript had a reputation of being rather slow but a huge amount of time, money and research went into making it incredibly fast in the browser. Now, the Bytecode Alliance is supporting work to do…

RIP Node 15, we hardly knew ye..

June 3, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Electron 13.0 Released — Maybe 13 is unlucky for some, but lucky for you if you have cross-platform desktop apps to build with Node! Version 13 gets you onto Chromium 91 (reading files from the clipboard seems to be a new possibility..), Node 14.16, and…

Imagine Node running in the browser..

May 27, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

▶  How To Create Your First Flow in Node-RED — Node-RED is a browser-based ‘flow’ programming environment that uses Node.js under the hood and is particularly popular in enterprise IoT systems but works at small scale too. This hour long screencast presents a thorough introduction into…

N-API becomes Node-API

May 20, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Try Scout’s Leading-Edge Performance Monitoring for Free — Scout APM uses tracing logic that ties bottlenecks to source code so you know the exact line of code causing performance issues in minutes. See for yourself why Scout is a Node developers’s best friend with a…

A ready-to-launch Node user and auth system

May 13, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Node v14.17.0 (LTS) Released — If you want to stay on a nice, safe LTS release but still get modern features backported in when they’re ready, this is for you. Here’s what’s new this time: Diagnostics Channel support. A way to create named channels to…