Category: react

Two online React meetups to consider

August 25, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Linaria 2.1: Zero-Runtime CSS in JS — Write your CSS-in-JS, but have it build into real CSS files for runtime efficiency. We originally covered v1 of Linaria in 125 way back in 2019, but it has since hit v2 with betas of v3 already appearing.…

Want to speak at the online React Conf 2021?

August 18, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 11.1 Released — The popular React framework takes a few steps forward with experimental ES modules support, a new integration with swc to ultimately replace JS tooling (Babel and Terser), faster data mapping and source maps, and more. Vercel React Conf 2021 Call for Speakers…

Take The Quiz! Top 20 React.js Interview Questions

August 12, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Answer #2 JSX, Event Handling, Virtual DOM, Computed Properties, Template Answer #2 You are close, but no cigar on this one, as this answer is, in fact, a mix of Vue.JS’ and React.JS’ main features. Let’s clear the smog a little: both Vue.JS and React.JS…

Better toast for React

August 4, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

What’s New in React-Hot-Toast 2.0 — React Hot Toast is a popular React on-page notifications system. Although the opportunity to customize the notifications in the new release chips away at the original ‘toast’ metaphor, there’s a lot of configurability in the new version that will…

How to Use Material UI Icons In React

July 28, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Introduction in Material UI Icons In React Hello, Bonjour and Guten Tag to you. We have said it many times before and we won’t get tired of repeating that there are no small things when developing a project. The reasoning behind this belief we have…

Separation of concerns with hooks

July 28, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

A ‘Windows 11’ UI Experience Reproduced with React — There was once a debate about the ‘compromised experience’ of a web app as compared to an app installed on local hardware. Although tools like Google Docs have long since proven this is no longer a…

Avoiding those code smells

July 21, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

React Authentication, Simplified — Authentication is one of those things that just always seems to take a lot more effort than we want it to. In this article, we lay out a different approach to authentication (plus access control & SSO) in React applications. Userfront Remotion…

Not all components are created equal

July 14, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

A Checklist for Freelance React Developers — Robin covers a variety of things to think about if you’re an independent React developer who needs to seamlessly get involved with existing teams and projects. Robin Wieruch Learn React (Hooks) Interactively with Flashcards — Learn modern React from…