Category: react

Meta opens up Facebook’s styling solution

December 6, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

StyleX: Meta’s Web Styling System — A newly open sourced “CSS-in-JS” library from Meta made up of a JavaScript syntax and compiler for styling web apps. It’s not exclusively for React, but React is a natural fit given it was built for Facebook. Jack Herrington…

AWS vs Vercel for hosting Next.js apps

November 29, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Tamagui: A UI Kit Unifying React Native and Web — A complete UI solution for cross-platform React apps (web and native) using highly platform-optimized output by way of a smart compiler. It might give you Tailwind CSS vibes, but goes well beyond that. Nate Weinert How Web…

AWS Amplify loves Next.js too

November 22, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Building Fast Next.js Apps using TypeScript and AWS Amplify JavaScript V6 — If you’ve been wondering if you can deploy modern Next.js apps anywhere other than Vercel, AWS Amplify is keen to enter the chat. Amplify is essentially a packaging up of AWS services into a…

Why one team moved back to React from Preact

November 15, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Datasheet Grid: An Airtable-like Grid Component — If you’ve got an array of objects and you want a way for users to manipulate them, this is for you. It’s not going to replace a spreadsheet or an extensive data grid framework, but it’s a good,…

Say hello to source maps in prod

November 8, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Headless Component: A Pattern for Composing React UIs — Posting on the Martin Fowler blog, an engineer at Atlassian takes us on a (very) practical journey into the concept of headless components and the pattern of having reusable logic and behavior separate from the presentation…

Next.js 14 and Docusaurus 3.0

November 1, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 14 Released — Unveiled at last week’s Next.js Conf, Next 14 caused a disproportionate amount of discussion on social media over relatively small changes, mostly surrounding Server Actions being declared stable and the style of development they make possible. The Turbopack bundler is now…

Server Actions fly the nest

October 25, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

🐦/𝕏 ‘use server’ / Server Actions Now in React Canary — No blog post – just a Twitter/X thread – but the React team has announced Server Actions (and Client Actions) are available in the latest React Canary release. Providing a way to run functions created…

TanStack Query v5 released

October 18, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

✍️ If you were wondering, you didn’t miss an issue of the newsletter last week – I took a week’s break while attending a conference, but now we’re back in action every week until… Christmas! 😄__Peter Cooper, your editor React Memo is.. Good Actually — The use…

Next.js vs Remix

October 4, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

✍️ Due to attending the AI Engineer Summit, there will be no React Status next week. We’ll be back on Wednesday, October 18 – see you then! 🙂__Peter Cooper, your editor Next.js 13 vs Remix: A Case Study — No mere lightweight list of feature…

Who forgot about React Forget

September 27, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Upgrading Frontend Dependencies with Confidence — Tests often provide a way to see if the logic in our apps isn’t working the way we expect, but what about if a frontend component is rendering incorrectly? Visual regression testing to the rescue! Sébastien, well known for…