Category: react

✨ Reacting with the Stars

August 9, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Things You Forgot (or Never Knew) Because of React — “I’ve written before about how React is the new default frontend framework, and how I don’t think most people using React on a regular basis realize quite how much it’s fallen behind.” High level thoughts…

Figuring out if you should use React Server Components

August 2, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Understanding React Server Components — If you’ve struggled to get your head around the ideas involved with React Server Components, and Dan Abramov’s ‘let’s recreate RSCs from scratch’ went a little too deep, this is a good, high-level explanation of the fundamentals that explains what…

Dan Abramov to depart Meta

July 26, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

React Tweet: Vercel’s New Way to Embed Tweets in a React App — Are they even called “tweets” anymore? Nonetheless, Vercel has come up with an elegant way to embed posts from the site formerly known as Twitter that is faster and smaller than the…

Ways that React 18 improves performance

July 19, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

How React 18 Improves Application Performance — If you’ve not been keeping up with how things are progressing in React with regards to concurrent rendering, transitions, Suspense, and even React Server Components, this is a fantastic review and primer to get up to.. speed on…

Demystifying React Server Components

July 12, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

The React Graph Gallery — Live demonstrations of a vast array of different charts and graphs built with React and D3.js, complete with explanations and code you can take away to reproduce them for yourself. Particularly striking examples include Sankey diagrams, treemaps, and correlograms, but…

Creating videos with React gets even better

July 5, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

▶  What’s Next For Redux? (with Mark Erikson) — The king of the React YouTubers takes a break from his usual screencast format to sit down with Redux maintainer Mark Erikson (a.k.a. acemarke) to talk about both the current and future states of Redux and Redux…

Bad boolean advice

June 28, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

An Update on Next.js’s App Router — The ‘app router’ in Next.js 13+ offers a new approach for structuring Next apps and is recommended for all new ones going forward (it became stable in Next.js 13.4 last month). This post provides a welcome update on…

The most ‘admired and desired’ Web technology

June 21, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Panda CSS: Modern, Build-Time, Type-Safe CSS-in-JS — Best known for the Chakra UI component library, Segun Adebayo is back with a new DX-focused CSS-in-JS approach boasting build-time generated styles and type safety out of the box. It works with Remix, Vite, Next.js, Astro, and even…

A Million.js to one

June 14, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Million.js: A Performance-Focused VDOM Replacement for React — Starting life two years ago as a small, library-agnostic virtual DOM implementation, Million has recently presented itself as a performance enhancement for React: “Imagine React components running at the speed of raw JavaScript.” You don’t get this…

React’s turning into Angular, PHP, and what else now?

June 7, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Dan Abramov’s Deep Dive into React Server Components — Having faced a raft of questions about Server Components, Dan has sat down to write a series covering everything from the ground up by reimplementing a basic form of RSC from scratch. It’s not aimed at…