Component composition is great

September 25, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

How Josh W. Comeau Rebuilt His Blog, App Router Style — Like many folks, we’re huge fans of Josh’s blog (particularly its wealth of React articles). He’s just rebuilt the entire site using Next.js, MDX, Sandpack, and an array of other technologies, and goes into fantastic depth about everything involved. A good look behind the scenes of a modern React-driven project.

Josh W Comeau

How to Fetch Data in React (2024 Edition) — An updated look at the multitude of ways to fetch data from a remote API in React. Note that Redux-based approaches aren’t covered, this is all about general, broad approaches.

Robin Wieruch

Component Composition is Great, BTW — A well-regarded author writes about using component composition to avoid conditional rendering for mutually exclusive states (and explains why we should all be doing the same).

Dominik Dorfmeister (AKA TkDodo)

Vim for React Developers — While VS Code is the ‘go to’ editor for most these days, Vim, and its various spinoffs, has a lot to offer those prepared to learn its many commands. Lee has put together a simple ‘course’ (which runs directly in Vim) to teach you what Vim’s commands can bring to editing React code.

Lee Robinson

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