Electron 15.0 and Node v16.10.0

September 23, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

The Story of 5 RCEs Found in npm for $15,000 — A security researcher explains some remote code execution vulnerabilities he found in the npm tool and how they added up to $15K in payouts. Few of us need to dig into our tools this deeply but it’s interesting to see behind the curtain a little. (These RCEs prompted the npm upgrade request we covered two weeks ago.)

Robert Chen

Electron 15.0.0 Released — Following on rather quickly from v14, Electron is now on a new eight week release cadence. v15 of the popular cross-platform desktop app framework upgrade to Chromium 94, V8 9.4, and Node.js 16.5.0 – none of which are huge advancements (though WebCodecs support may interest some), but it’s always great to see how up to date Electron is kept.

Sofia Nguy and Keeley Hammond

Fast Redis Hosting and Analytics — RedisGreen databases include seamless online upgrades, SSL encryption, key size tracking, memory mapping, and more.


Node.js Garbage Collection Explained — Learn how garbage collection and memory management works in practice with Node.js complete with illustrations and code examples. This is an older item but recently updated.

RisingStack Engineering

Node v16.10.0 (Current) Released — No big changes, but lots of smaller things, like npm and Acorn being updated and a new way to limit requests per connection via http.

Bethany Griggs

A Next.js ‘New Post’ Node Script — How a developer went about creating a Node-powered script to simplify creating new blog posts in a Next.js-based site.

Elijah Manor

🛠 Code & Tools

Find Tech Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.