Express 5 now in beta

February 17, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Node v17.5.0 (Current) Released — Sadly this release dropped just hours after last week’s issue of Node Weekly, but this is the first release of Node with native (though currently experimental behind the --experimental-fetch option) Fetch API support (more on what that means here) so give it a spin.

Ruy Adorno

Learn the Fundamentals of Rx.js — This useful JavaScript library is great for managing events that happen over time, and in this detailed video course Steve Kinney covers what you need to know to make use of it — including observables, events, intervals, timers, operators, and more.

Frontend Masters

🧑‍⚖️  Node.js Trademarks Transferred to the OpenJS Foundation — You may not have realized this, but Joyent (a company that heavily backed the early development of Node) still owned the Node.js trademark till, well, now. We appreciate having had their kind permission to use the term ‘Node’ in the name of this newsletter – now the OpenJS Foundation takes on the legal responsibilities.

Robin Ginn

Senior Backend Developer — Are you looking to level up your skills and work on a wide variety of applications and technologies? Look no further.

Find Tech Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.

The Basics of package.json — Most likely you’ve been working with package.json files for years, but it can pay to refamiliarize yourself with their many properties.

Gabby T and Marian Villa (NodeScource)

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