It’s all about security

November 10, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js Weekly

Node.js Security Best Practices — A new official document from the Node.js team providing guidelines on securing your Node apps by looking at what the main threats are and how to mitigate them.

Node.js Project

And.. Node Security Releases: 19.0.1, 18.12.1, 16.18.1 and 14.21.1 — Three security issues have been resolved in these point releases. Two X.509 certificate verification vulnerabilities, and a bug in Node’s rebinding protector that allowed invalid octal-denoted IP addresses (it might sound niche but where there’s a hacker’s will, there’s a way).

Juan José Arboleda (Node.js Team)

An Intuitive APM for Node.js Developers — AppSignal doesn’t just offer Node.js performance monitoring and error tracking. We have a full set of features to monitor your application from A to Z packed in a clear and intuitive interface. All features are included in all plans.


Deploying a Simple Node App on Several Cloud Providers — You’ve got a Node app, you’ve got nowhere to deploy it.. what to do? Jérémy tries several options including classic and challenger platforms. Note that this is focused on the how (complete with errors and giving up!) with no opinion as to which you should choose.

Jérémy Levy

Using TypeScript with Node.js — Robin has written a short series of three ‘setting up a backend’ posts with this outing covering the bare essentials of bringing TypeScript into Node, including introducing tsc, ts-node and installing types of things like Express. A useful primer.

Robin Wieruch

🛠 Code & Tools

Agenda 5.0: Lightweight Job Scheduling for Node — Uses a MongoDB-backed persistence layer and offers repeatable jobs, delayed jobs, and optional UI and REST API frontends. v5 requires MongoDB 4.0+. The Redis-based Bull is another option to consider in this space if you need something beefier.

Ryan Schmukler

  • Prisma 4.6
    ↳ Popular Node + TypeScript ORM. Fantastic release notes as usual, too.

  • Strapi 4.5
    ↳ Popular Node-based headless CMS.

  • pnpm 7.15
    ↳ Fast, disk space efficient package manager.

  • ws 8.11
    ↳ Fast, well tested WebSocket client & server library.

  • Slonik 33.0
    ↳ Advanced Postgres client with type safety.

  • HyperExpress 6.5.2
    ↳ High-perf HTTP server powered by uWebsockets.js.

  • Zip It and Ship It 8.1
    ↳ Prepare Node Lambda functions for deployment.

Find Tech Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.