Rome wasn’t rewritten in a day

November 11, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Rome v10: Rust-Powered JS Linting and Formatting — A project founded by the original creator of Babel naturally provokes interest. Rome’s ambitious mission is to unify all the frontend dev tools you’d need into one, and formatting and linting is where they’ve started with this…

It’s all about security

November 10, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js Security Best Practices — A new official document from the Node.js team providing guidelines on securing your Node apps by looking at what the main threats are and how to mitigate them. Node.js Project And.. Node Security Releases: 19.0.1, 18.12.1, 16.18.1 and 14.21.1 — Three security…

Gatsby 5 – faster than ever before

November 9, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Together with  Gatsby 5.0: The Fastest Gatsby Yet — The performance oriented React-based framework that isn’t Next.js takes another step forward with a Slice API for speeding up common updates across a site, partial hydration in beta form, a new Script component for.. loading scripts,…

Is Turbopack really 10x faster than Vite?

November 4, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  What is a ‘Realm’ in JavaScript? — One of those things you don’t need to know, but that will flesh out your understanding of JS under the hood. A realm is essentially the complete execution environment for a JavaScript program. Gal Weizman Then if…

Getting Rusty with Node, but in a good way

November 3, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Together with  Node Security Releases Expected.. Today? — Releases of Node 14.x, 16.x, 18.x and 19.x are expected imminently to address three security vulnerabilities. The good news is when they do appear, they’ll update the post we’re linking to, so by the time you see…

Going from Figma to React, responsively

November 2, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

✍️ If you missed last week’s issue, you’ll want to catch up as it was a big one with Next.js 13 and Turbopack getting announced. This week is a little quieter for big news, but there’s still plenty to be getting on with.. 🙂__Peter Cooper, your…

Turbo-charged incremental bundling au Rust

October 28, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  Turbopack: A Rust-Powered ‘Successor’ to Webpack — With over 3 billion downloads, webpack is the current champion of the bundlers (though Vite has been rapidly advancing). Vercel found it too slow and has funded work on Turbopack. It’s a project to keep an…

Node 18 goes LTS

October 27, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Together with  Node 18 Becomes Active LTS with v18.12.0 — Formerly a ‘current’ release getting all the newest features, version 18 is now the active ‘Long Term Support’ release and will remain so until October 2023. Its codename is Hydrogen – quite fitting as the…