Introducing Vue Tailwind Stack for Flatlogic Platform

September 1, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

We are happy to announce that the Flatlogic Platform now supports the new stack –  Vue Tailwind. It took a long time, and thanks to customer feedback, we’ve finally made it! What’s new Clean, rapid, and minimized stack made with Vue JS 3.0 and Tailwind…

The ins and outs of ‘bin’ scripts

September 1, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Tinybench: A Tiny and Simple Benchmarking Library — No dependencies, but uses whatever precise timing capabilities are available (e.g. process.hrtime). You can then benchmark whatever functions you want, specify how long or how many times to benchmark for, and get a variety of stats in return.…

Why React contexts are great, but..

August 31, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Understanding useMemo and useCallback — Many find these hooks confusing. This tutorial takes a crack at what they do exactly, why they’re useful and how to get the most out of them – and all in Josh’s usual highly accessible and engaging style. Josh W. Comeau…

The future JavaScript features at TC39

August 26, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

If you missed my note two weeks ago, we took last week off, so you didn’t miss any issues 🙂 We’re now back every week until Christmas (121 sleeps to go..)__Peter Cooper, your editor. When Alternative JS Runtimes Grow Up: Deno Has Big Changes Ahead,…

Popular Node.js practices to reconsider

August 25, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Popular Node.js Patterns and Tools to Reconsider? — Yoni is well known for his work in cataloging Node best practices but he thinks we should reflect upon entrenched approaches over time. Here he presents nine common approaches to reconsider, including the use of Dotenv, Passport.js,…

Figuring out why React re-renders

August 24, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

If you missed our note two weeks ago, we just had a week off, so you didn’t miss any issues 🙂 We’re now back every week until Christmas (a mere 123 sleeps away!)__Peter Cooper and Terence C. Gannon, your editors. Why React Re-Renders — The…

Sing App Vue Template Bootstrap 5 Update

August 23, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

We are happy to announce an update of Vue Admin Templates – Sing App Vue! What has changed? Now the admin boilerplates use Vue 2.7.6, and Bootstrap 5. Additionally, we have updated the colors, typography, and some minor UI parts. And also we made several…

A way to automatically generate regexes from examples

August 12, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

☀️ We’re taking a rare week off next week for a brief summer vacation so there won’t be any issue on August 19 – we’ll be back on August 26, complete with a sun tan wind burn, and all the latest JavaScript news, of course…

Native modules become ‘built-ins’

August 11, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

☀️ We’re taking a week off for a brief summer vacation and will be back on August 25, so when you don’t get an issue of Node Weekly next week, it’s our fault, not yours 😉__Peter Cooper, your editor. How To Use Multithreading in Node.js…