A big week for Fastify

June 9, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Fastify 4.0 Released — The first major release of a popular, high performance Node.js Web framework in two years warrants some celebration. A focus has been placed on stabilization, modernization, and improving the already quite stable developer experience, rather than flashy new features, although this…

Angular Material Admin Template Update

June 8, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Angular Material Admin is updated and use latest dependencies. What products are affected by the update? Currently, the updates were released on 2 products: What has changed? The main update is touch the version of Angular itself, now the template are built on 13 version…

An alternative to useEffect

June 8, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

▶  Goodbye, useEffect? David Khourshid’s Reactathon Talk — Here, Stately founder David Khourshid makes the case for using event handlers and state machines to simplify handling effects in React apps rather than using useEffect which many developers struggle with and isn’t always well suited for the…

Vue Material Admin Update

June 7, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Right after we have updated React Material Admin we also do the same with Vue Material Admin. What products are affected by the update? The update was released on 3 products: What has changed? The main changes are in updated dependencies. We also updated the…

Sure, you can make games in Word with JavaScript now.

June 3, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Don’t miss the link with a ⭐️ next to it in this issue, I promise it’s good 🙂 Jest Image Snapshot: A Jest Matcher for Image Comparisons — Say hello to visual regression testing using this tool from American Express. Take image snapshots of your app…

React Material Admin Full Update

June 2, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

As Material UI and React continue to grow and develop it has become clear that React Material Admin can’t live with the outdated versions of those libraries. What products are affected by the update? Currently, the updates were released on 2 products: What has changed?…

util.parseArgs arrives in Node 18.3

June 2, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

💡 Node 17.9.1 and 16.15.1 have been released too but are minor dependency-focused releases. What npm Can Learn from Go — Go’s approach to dependency management mitigates some key supply chain issues, but could some of Go’s ideas be brought into the world of npm? This…

An open, high performance data grid

June 1, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Updated Course: Complete Intro to React — Join Brian Holt for this updated look at getting started with React. Covering things like hooks, effects, context, and portals. Throughout this video course you’ll learn about tools from across the entire React ecosystem (like Parcel, ESLint, TailwindCSS,…

Next.js vs React: Which One to Choose for Your App?

May 30, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

The burning question today is What’s better: React or Next.js? Let’s have a look closely at both, compare them and see the difference between library and framework. In the React world, Next.js is one of the most popular frameworks for “hitting the ground running.” What…

Ready-Made Web App Scheme Integration [Flatlogic Platform Update]

May 28, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Hello! Flatlogic has added one more important feature: ready-made web application scheme integration. Check out our release notes to learn more about our latest product enhancements. Previously, Flatlogic web app generator allowed you to model a database schema from scratch. We received a lot of requests from…