Splitting up sentences with Intl.Segmenter

December 2, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Speeding Up the JS Ecosystem, One Library at a Time — JavaScript projects are often so reliant upon dependencies that there are many opportunities to speed up swathes of the ecosystem by fixing small performance issues. Here, one of Preact’s developers shares how he’s been…

Lots of Electron news

December 1, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

The Advent of Code 2022: 25 Days of Code Challenges — If you have a little time each day to do some programming puzzles, the Advent of Code is always fantastic and now in its eighth year. There’s a sub-Reddit where people share and discuss…

Four years of being hooked by React

November 30, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Working with Zustand — Some tips for using Zustand, a relatively minimal state management library with a lot of enthusiastic users. TkDodo As an aside, Zustand’s homepage has one of the nicest (cutest?) parallax-style effects I’ve seen (and I usually dislike parallax effects!) CSS Variables for React…

JavaScript Vocoder Puccini

November 25, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

The State of JavaScript 2022 Survey is Open — JavaScript’s most popular annual survey is open once again. The results (2021’s, for example) are always fascinating to see, so go share your knowledge so we can see where JavaScript is headed. There’s a ‘guest’ mode…

An npm package naming pitfall

November 24, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

💡 While we like to support new, promising projects, it’s not as if it hasn’t been done before though. AdonisJS and Sails are good options in this space. Node.js Architecture Pitfalls to Avoid — Beware: opinions ahead. It’s a little scattershot but the author, who…

React performance profiling with the DevTools

November 23, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Improving React Interaction Times by 4x — This is about as practical and real world as it gets. Causal’s engineers noticed some sluggish UI interactions in their React app (as many of us do) and were determined to get to the cause of the problem.…