ES2021 approved by Ecma

June 25, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

▶  Coding Up a Mario Game in JavaScript with Kaboom.js — Ania is back showing us how to create a basic platformer in the course of an hour in her typically breezy, easy to follow manner. Watch this if you want to reignite that coding spark. Ania Kubów…

Node 16.4.0 released

June 24, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Learn to Build Scalable React Apps — Brian Holt covers the latest tools in the React ecosystem like TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Redux, Jest, and more in this new and updated video course! Frontend Masters ApostropheCMS 3.0 Released — The latest release of a fully featured MIT-licensed Node.js-based…

A new browser-based React IDE idea

June 23, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Demystifying styled-components — If anything ever seems ‘magical’, it might be time to dig in and figure out how things work. Josh ‘pops the hood’ on the popular Styled Components component styling system and demonstrates how you’d build a simple similar such thing of your…

What you need to know about React 18

June 18, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Benchmarking JavaScript Memory Usage — Historically, memory usage hasn’t been a heavily tracked thing in the JavaScript world, whether for a lack of tooling or motivation. This is changing, and new tools and APIs are turning up all the time. Here, Tim has done some…

A better HTTP client for Node

June 17, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Undici 4.0: An HTTP Client, Written from Scratch for Node — The goal of this project has been to replace Node’s core HTTP library with something faster, more scalable, and without the ‘fundamental design issues’ of the core API. v4 introduces redirect support, a faster…

Top 40+ Javascript Memes We Love| Programming Humor :D

June 16, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Humor is an integral part of our life to survive in this super hectic world. And programming humor takes a special place in our postmodern culture. We love JavaScript memes! That’s why we’ve carefully picked the most punchy JavaScript memes, comics, and illustrations from the…

React 18 reflections

June 16, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 11 Released — The popular React framework takes some more steps forward with improved performance, Webpack 5 support, an experimental way to make Create React App apps Next.js compatible, and Next.js Live, a preview of a way to build Next.js apps in the browser,…

Vue.js 3.1 released

June 11, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Learn to Build Scalable React Apps — Brian Holt covers the latest tools in the React ecosystem like TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Redux, Jest, and more in this new and updated video course! Frontend Masters Introducing Chrome’s New Memory Inspector — Landing in Chrome 91’s DevTools is the…