The State of JavaScript 2022 Survey is Open — JavaScript’s most popular annual survey is open once again. The results (2021’s, for example) are always fascinating to see, so go share your knowledge so we can see where JavaScript is headed. There’s a ‘guest’ mode so you can take part anonymously this year without having to sign up.
🦕Building Apps in Deno with Frameworks — Deno, perhaps best known as the server-side JS runtime that isn’t Node, had a big release last week adding first-class npm package support. This opens up a lot of opportunities for more easily using Deno to create, say, React, Express or Vue apps, and this post shows off how.
Andy Jiang (Deno)
Advanced JavaScript Datagrid & Spreadsheet Components — Wijmo brings you lightweight, high-performing, framework-agnostic JavaScript components like datagrids. SpreadJS delivers a true Excel-like spreadsheet component for JS applications. Our solutions are modularized to add only what you need.
Script Kit: JS-Based Workflow Scripting — A tool for creating and running scripts (in JavaScript) that solve your daily problems, like launching things, manipulating images or text, moving apps around or, well, hundreds of things. It can load in npm packages on the fly, too, so you’re not restricted in what you can do. Focused on macOS but with an alpha preview build for Windows.
John Lindquist
Axios 1.2 ↳ Long standing promise-based HTTP client API.
Eruda 2.6: A Console for Mobile Browsers — If you’re in a situation where you have no access to DevTools, you can add Eruda to your page and it provides a sort of virtual devtools you can use from any browser, including on mobile.
Software Engineer — Stimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what’s possible if your mission is to increase human happiness. Join our engineering team. Stimulus
Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers. Hired