JavaScript’s rising stars

January 4, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

🌟 The 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars β€” At the start of each year, Michael rounds up the projects that gained the most popularity on GitHub in the prior year. Rocketing to #1 is the shadcn/ui suite of React components, but there are a lot of fresh entries. Bun and Next.js stay on the list, while htmx and Drizzle ORM make their first appearances in the top ten.

Michael Rambeau et al.

😒 If the loss of Vue 2 stings, you might enjoy Fotis Adamakis’ tribute.



πŸ“’ Articles & Tutorials

Let’s Bring Back JavaScript’s with Statement..? β€” Famously roasted in JavaScript: The Good Parts before its deprecation, with isn’t a popular language feature at all, so Alex’s appeal here is partly tongue in cheek. Nonetheless, with has some potentially interesting uses in modern JavaScript.

Alex MacArthur

Making Sense of ‘Senseless’ JavaScript Features β€” We’ve tackled with (above), now Juan Diego Rodriguez looks at several other seemingly β€œabsurd” JS eccentricities, explains how they came into existence, and tries to help you avoid the problems they cause.

Juan Diego Rodriguez

Introduction to HTMX β€” htmx is an interesting library for imbuing your HTML with dynamic functionality in a lightweight, dependency-free way.


πŸ›  Code & Tools

Plotteus: A JavaScript Library for Data Storytelling β€” Looks to be a powerful solution not just for creating static visualizations (graphs, plots, etc.) but interactive ones that visualize data changes via scrolling, UI controls, or other user interactions.

Bartosz Prusinowski

πŸ’‘ Prefer Smalltalk to Lisp? Amber might be for you.