Node gets a built-in package manager manager (not a typo)

September 9, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Fauna: A Modern Serverless Data API for Node.js Apps — Fauna combines the schema flexibility that’s provided by document databases with ACID compliant transactions. Quickly integrate Fauna into your applications with our Data API and leave scaling, sharding and all other operations to Fauna.


GitHub Security Update: Vulnerabilities in tar and @npmcli/arborist — GitHub has received reports via a private security bug bounty program about code execution vulnerabilities in tar (the npm package) and @npmcli/arborist so they’re strongly recommending upgrading both npm to 6.14.15 or 7.21.0 or newer and tar, if you use it in your projects.

Mike Hanley (GitHub)

Why Electron Apps Are Fine — While Niels agrees with many common criticisms of Electron, his users don’t care, and he says you shouldn’t care either.

Niels Leenheer

🛠 Code & Tools

is-reachable: Check If a Server Is Reachable — Another library from Sindre’s immense catalogue. This library simply does a TCP handshake with a specified target to see if a server is at least ‘reachable.’ Before that, maybe you can use is-online to work out if you’re even online in the first place? 😉

Sindre Sorhus

cron-parser 4.0: Node Library for Parsing cron Rulescron is a commonly used mechanism on Unix-based systems for running recurring tasks and such tasks are defined in a very specific format. This package lets you parse this format for your own ends.

Harri Siirak

Find Tech Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.