The Magical World of Particles with React Three Fiber and Shaders — An interactive introduction where you’ll learn all sorts about shaders and rendering particle effects with them. There’s actually a fair bit of JS here, it’s not all GLSL incantations. Does your next CRUD app need this? Probably not, but it’s fascinating nonetheless.
Maxime Heckel
Is React Impacted by Meta’s Layoffs? — A thread about the recently announced layoff of 11,000 employees at Meta and potential impacts on React. In short, the effect might not be large since React is so widely adopted and the team more distributed than ever. And, there’s Vercel. Our thoughts are with those affected, however.
Hacker News
See Robust React DataGrid & Spreadsheet Components in Action — Wijmo brings you lightweight, high-performing, framework-agnostic React UI components like datagrids. SpreadJS delivers a true Excel-like spreadsheet component for React applications. Our React solutions are modularized to add only what you need.
GitHub’s Move to Rendering with React? — Leading off with a comment from somebody claiming to be one of the engineers behind the new approach, this is a significant React endorsement. Not everyone thinks it’s an improvement (yet), though.
Hacker News
React Component with TypeScript — Robin continues his series on TypeScript with a (very) brief look at making a simple component type safe.
Robin Wieruch
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