Improving React Interaction Times by 4x — This is about as practical and real world as it gets. Causal’s engineers noticed some sluggish UI interactions in their React app (as many of us do) and were determined to get to the cause of the problem. They did it. They survived. This is the full story.
Causal Engineers
Four Ways to Style KendoReact Components — Whether just swapping out the primary color to closely reflect your brand or completely re-skinning the whole library with a custom design, KendoReact makes it easy to change the look and feel of our components with four different ways to style and theme.
Progress KendoReact
Data Structures in Frontend React Apps in the Real World — Do you need to know your trees from your maps, linked lists, or queues to work with React? You almost certainly are, even if you’re not thinking about it, and Johannes shows off some React-themed examples of several such structures here.
Johannes Kettmann
The Beginner’s Guide to React Testing — Know you should be writing React tests but don’t know where to start? Then this quick seven part (don’t worry – they’re all bitesize) guide is for you.
Max Rozen beginner
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UX Engineer — Stimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what’s possible if your mission is to increase human happiness. Join our engineering team. Stimulus
Find React Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers. Hired