Say hi to ECMAScript 2024

June 27, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Ecma International Approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s New? — This week, the Ecma General Assembly approved the latest ECMAScript / JavaScript language spec, officially making it a standard. As with ECMAScript 2023, it’s a small step forward, but Dr. Axel looks at what’s new.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Create Consistent UIs with Storybook — Join Steve Kinney for this extensive video course on building scalable, reusable component libraries and design systems with Storybook. Covers set up, styling, documentation, testing, and more.

Frontend Masters

Announcing TypeScript 5.5 — One of the most significant TypeScript releases in terms of features in a long time. There’s support for the new Set methods (mentioned above), regex syntax checking, isolated declarations, inferred type predicates, and more. A bumper packed release post.


📒 Articles & Tutorials

📄 Slack’s AI-Powered Conversion from Enzyme to React Testing Library – If the robots are taking jobs, at least they’re the jobs that we often don’t want to do.. Sergii Gorbachov (Slack)

📄 How to Mock a Child Component When Writing Angular Tests Casey Falkowski

📄 Morphing Arbitrary Paths in SVG Alexandru-Gabriel Ică

🛠 Code & Tools

Node-RED 4.0 ReleasedNode-RED is a popular ‘low code’ event-driven app development environment that uses Node.js behind the scenes. v4.0 requires Node 18 or up, improves its ‘multiplayer’ support (when multiple users are working on the same system), faster deploys, and other all-round improvements.

OpenJS Foundation

React-Admin v5 — A MIT-licensed framework for building React apps on top of REST or GraphQL APIs. You get some added structure and numerous building blocks out of the box. GitHub repo.

François Zaninotto

Deploy Your SSR Apps on AWS, Fast — Deploy any frontend framework quickly with AWS Amplify hosting. Scale to millions? ✅ Branch deployment? ✅ PR previews? ✅

AWS Amplify