Should Node make ES modules easier to use?

June 25, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

✈️ I’ve produced this issue a day early due to being en-route to the AI Engineer World’s Fair, so any last minute news may be missed. If you’re there, do come and say hi, but you can also watch from afar through the livestreams that will be on YouTube this Wednesday and Thursday. See you again next week!
Peter Cooper, your editor

Node.js Weekly

Node.js is Here to Stay — Deno.. Bun.. has Node’s popularity started to wane? No, says Matteo Collina, who shows us the receipts confirming Node’s continued dominance of the server-side JavaScript space, including how Node continues to be downloaded some 130 million times per month. He also touches on some of the recent additions to the runtime.

Matteo Collina

Node-RED 4.0 ReleasedNode-RED is a popular ‘low code’ event-driven app development environment that uses Node.js behind the scenes. v4.0 requires Node 18 or up, improves its ‘multiplayer’ support (when multiple users are working on the same system), faster deploys, and other all-round improvements.

OpenJS Foundation

Get to Grips With Machine Learning in JavaScript — Charlie Gerard shares how to use TensorFlow.js to train and run ML models in JavaScript. This practical video course explores model training, optimization, testing, and more.

Frontend Masters

Node v20.15.0 (LTS) Released — It’s time for the active LTS release of Node to gain a few backported features, including support for test plans in the test runner, --inspect-wait, and zlib.crc32().

Marco Ippolito

A Look at JavaScript’s New Set Methods — Available in Node 22+, Chrome/Edge 122+, Firefox 127+ and Safari 17+, finding the intersection, union, and difference between sets, amongst other set-related things, is a piece of cake.

Brian Smith (MDN)

🛠 Code & Tools

Temporal for Startups — Startups: Ship fast with Temporal. Guaranteed reliability. Code in your language. Get $2,400 free credits & expert advice to accelerate success.

Temporal Technologies

“Node.js was criticized for long to have very little support for Web API. We fixed that, and we implemented WHATWG fetch and WHATWG Streams according to the spec.”

Matteo Collina on Twitter/X. It’s easy to forget how much Node continues to progress, but support for various Web APIs has come along leaps and bounds in the past few years.