SWR 2.0: Improved React Hooks for Data Fetching — The second major release of SWR (Stale-While-Revalidate) includes new mutation APIs, improved optimistic UI capabilities, new developer tools, as well as improved support for concurrent rendering.
Ding, Liu, Kobayashi, and Xu
Vite 4.0 Released — From the same creator as Vue.js, Vite is an exciting piece of frontend tooling offering lots of goodies out of the box. Vite’s new React plugin that leans upon SWC (above) presents a new option for React developers looking for even more speed, particularly when using Fast Refresh.
Evan You and Vite Contributors
Avoid These Common useState Pitfalls — “You first need to become aware of the potential problems around useState in order to avoid them,” so Johannes takes us on an example-led journey to do just that.
Johannes Kettmann
Optimizing Web Fonts in Next.js 13 — An interesting post on optimizing fonts that also shows how the @next/font module can improve privacy by self-hosting Web fonts rather than using Google Fonts, say.
Lydia Hallie
👆A New Approach for Pointer Events in React Native — A look at a new experimental cross-platform pointer API for React Native apps that involves leaning upon work already done for the Web Platform more generally.
Luna Wei and Vincent Riemer (Meta)
🛠 Code and Tools
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