Home » Data Visualization.
October 11, 2023
Mark Otto
Automated code analysis plays a key role in improving code quality and compliance. Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer provides automated recommendations that can assist developers in identifying defects and deviation from coding best practices. For instance, CodeGuru Security automatically flags potential security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection,…
June 27, 2023
Mark Otto
Relationship graphs in Steampipe are helpful visualizations to provide quick context of your cloud environments which highlight important information about your resources. In our last posts we showed how the open source Steampipe tool can be used to query AWS with SQL with the Steampipe…
March 14, 2023
Mark Otto
Organizations that interface with online payments are continuously monitoring and guarding against fraudulent activity. Transactional fraud usually presents itself as discrete data points, making it challenging to identify multiple actors involved in the same group of transactions. Even a single actor operating over a period…
February 15, 2023
Mark Otto
Nonprofits are using cloud-based solutions for fundraising, donor and member management, and communications. With this move online, they have access to more data than ever. This data has the potential to transform their missions and increase their impact. However, sharing, connecting, and interpreting data from…